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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hello again! I feel like I was just sending an email... time is so weird at the MTC.
Well, not too much happened this week. We're kind of just settling into a regular routine. Same old, same old. An average day kind of looks like this:
6:30 Wake up, shower, pray
7:20 Go to breakfast!! I always get cheerios and cantaloupe. I think I've eaten more cantaloupe and honey dew in the last 4 weeks than I have in my entire life.
8:00 Teach an investigator! We're getting better. We're trying to use simple, but powerful techniques that invite the Spirit to teach. Sometimes I get really depressed after lessons, because I know where I want to be, and I feel like sometimes I'm never going to get there, but I usually get over it after a few hours. lol It drives my companions nuts, I'm trying to have more faith.
9:00-10:00 Class!! I love class. We learn so much about our purpose, how to be better servants of the Lord. It's funny, in the MTC we're preparing ourselves by constantly being reminded how much this isn't  about ourselves. It's very humbling. Also, we learn language and roleplay a lot during class. : )
11:00 Personal study. This can sometimes be really hard, especially when I'm tired, but I like the quote, "When you're tired, you can rest on your Savior's love." This time is precious to be able to be spiritually fed so that I can be prepared to teach with the power and the Spirit! Future missionaries: DO NOT WASTE PERSONAL STUDY! Don't do it. Just don't.
12:00 LUNCH!! I love lunch. I'm so hungry by the time it rolls around. Hahha I always tell myself that I'm going to eat healthy when I go to lunch, but I'm so starving that I just kind of go crazy. The cookies are so killer. I can't resist them. Like, yesterday, somehow I ended up with a cookie on my plate even when I didn't physically get up to get one. I dunno! The cookies love me too! I like lunch, too, 'cause that's when we hang out with our Cambodian friends. There's so many of them and so little of us Thais, that it's a nice change of pace. They're so crazy and fun. Compared to my district... we... cough... yeah. We're boring.
1: 00 Language study. This is when I just try to drill vocab.
2:00 Teach another investigator! We just started teaching twice a day. It's kinda crazy.
3:00 - 4:00 Class!!
5:00 Dinner!! Another exciting part of the day. Especially when there's the icecream bar AND cookies.
6:00  TALL (Technology Assissted Language Learning) Some people hate it, some love it. It's ok. I use it to work on my pronunciation and reading.
7:00 GYM!!!!!!!! I love gym. That's when I work off the cookies and try not to be demolished in four square. I can hold my own sometimes! Sis Barton is MERCILESS.
9:00 Extra study time
9:30 Daily planning!!
10:00 Get ready for bed/write in my journal/pray/talk to Sis Cloud about how awesome she is.
10:30 Go to sleep!
Yuuuup. That's about how it is every day. In about 2 weeks it's getting changed, though. P-days will no longer be on Tuesday, but Wednesday. That means when our Nccng Thais come it will be on our P-day!!!!! We're going to devote some time from then to stalking them. : ) Also, we found out that there's going to be a TRIO!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're so stoked. The generation will continue! We can't wait to tell our Phii Thais.
The cambodians that we room with leave today!! We're so excited for them, but we will dearly miss them. I would attach pictures of them, but for some reason the computer can't find my sd card for some reason. :/
OH. I just remembered  something kinda important. Oops. Haha I've been called to be one of the new Sister Training Leaders! It's kind of like a cross between the District Leader and Zone leader... but for the sisters. Haha I'm still not exactly sure what all my roles are. Basically have interviews weekly, check in with all the sisters and make sure they're following rules by leading by example with love~ You know how it is. I'm excited to have this opportunity to serve all the sisters in my zone. I love them so much!!
I've made the goal to mainly speak in Thai now, so we'll see how that goes. haha
Just want you all to know how important I know this work is. God loves all so much! The Gospel is the GREATEST thing in the world. I want every one to have it!! That's why I'm here. : )
Love you all!!
Sister Zaugg

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