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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sawad dii khaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
You know what's funny? 'Khaa' with a mountain tone also means to kill, so basically females in Thailand always end their sentences with "killll".
So time here is still crazy. Sometimes I feel like it's SUPER slow, but then sometimes I think, "Oh whoa. I'm already HALF WAY THROUGH??" My zone is pretty much consistent of missionaries that all came on the same day, so we're all counting down together! Have I told you who all is in my zone? There's us 5 Thais, like 15 Cambodians, 3 Vietnamese, and about 5 Mhongs. We have a lot of fun. I feel bad for our nccng Thais who come in a WEEK AND A HALF!!! (whoop whoop!) 'Cause after we all leave, they're going to be the only ones in the zone! Sundays are going to be very lonely. haha 

 Anyway. I love my calling. I got to interview the senior companions on Sunday and I loved listening about their strengths, their triumphs, and also their weaknesses. I tried really hard to lead like Christ would, to listen and to direct them to always be better! Right now our district is working on sarcasm. ....We kind of have a problem. We're working on it though!

I'm super excited right now, because two of the cambodians in my zone are HUGE Avatar: The Last Airbender fans!!!!! It makes me so happy. Also, we all agree that Toph is the coolest character ever, so I pretty much love them even more now. Cool people going to cool places, I tell ya.

So last P-day was the most amazing day ever. I didn't include it in my last email 'cause it all happened after I sent the email!! So, we always go to the temple on P-days, and I like to go to the temple with a question in mind, 'cause it's at the temple when I always get the most direct answers (pretty awesome, I tell you). Well, that week I had been pretty discouraged. I'm really impatient with myself. Basically I want to be a perfect teacher now, and I wasn't allowing myself to feel ok that the MTC is the Missionary TRAINING Center, not the Missionary PERFECT Center. My companionship are tons more unified and are really close, but we're not perfect, and I was just super bummed! I didn't know if I was working hard enough, or what I was doing wrong. Well, at the temple I picked up a triple combination and kind of just opened to a random page and BOOM opened right to D&C 6, which talks about being called of God and being forgiven and was just SO perfect and gave me the comfort and knowledge that Heavenly Father is pleased with me. He knows I'm working hard, and He will guide me if I continue to repent and change daily and just put my whole heart into! So I came out of the temple feeling preeeeetty good.
But wait! That wasn't the end of it!
Guess. Who came. To the devotional.
RICHARD G. SCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SERIOUSLY?!??!!? An Apostle of the Lord came to speak at Tuesday Devotional!!! I was in the choir so I was even in the same room as him!!!!!! And guess what scripture he based his talk on? Yup. D&C 6. Yeah. I'm not kidding. He talked about having more meaningful prayers with God, and finding comfort in missionary service through prayer. I was in awe.
Here are some notes!
"God did not put us on Earth to fail, but to succeed gloriously."
"You are His child. You can trustingly approach Him."
"Be careful to seek His will."
"Sometimes when God does not give a response, it means that He trusts you to make the right decision. If you make the wrong choice, He will not let you go too far down that path without giving a warning."
"Refuse to be discouraged."
"Be thankful that sometimes God let's you struggle."
"Pray even when you have no desire to pray."
Ok. So that wasn't even the best part. He gave us all an Apostolic Blessing that we will be able to learn our languages. That was so amazingly comforting, and I knew it was true. Also, after he had sat down after the talk, the closing prayer girl was getting up to gvie the benediction, when he all of a sudden rushed up there in his cute old-manly way and spoke some more!!! He spoke about having peace in the knowledge that God knows our struggles, that He has a plan for us on our missions. That he has called us to succeed and not fail. That we will find talents that we nver even knew we had. But the most important was this: you have been called.
What comfort and peace that brought! I was so astonished. I knew in that moment that he truly is an apostle of God. He is an inspired man. He loves us. It was so cute, as we all stood to watch him exit, he was waving at us and smiling. As he walked out, I realized I was crying. I was so filled with the love of God from that man. I knew my prayers had been answered. I knew that God loves me. I knew that He has called me, and that He will make me into the missionary He wants me to be. I am so honored to have this sacred calling. I know that this is what God wants me to do. What an amazing day and blessing that was! I am so full of joy. I can't wait to share this with the people of Thailand.
So on a less spiritual note... my district has been struggling to SYL (speak your language). Some of us (me) want to SYL ALL THE TIME! While others aren't as gung-ho as I. Our khruus (teachers) of course want us to nevere speak a word of English again, so they started a new game for us. It's called con salad. It means pirate, but literally it's translated as: "thief salad". LOL! I don't even know. It's awesome. I love Thai! Basically we have to speak as much Thai as possible in order to steal this little ship away from the con salad. It's fun and really good for us!

Also, we have new roommates! They're going to Taiwan. They're so awesome! Sis Burr, Graham, and Chang! Sis Chang is from Australia!! She's so sweet. She's a recent convert! Also, Sis Burr is teaching me how to do a head stand. It's gonna be a struggle, but I can't wait to be able to do it!

Anyway, sidtee rag phuagkhun! I love you all!! I say it every time, but Ima say it again, 
     Sister Zaugg

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