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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sawaddiiiiiii From Last Week!

(Sister Zaugg had a computer malfunction and it wouldn't let her send her letter last week, so here it is this week.)

Guess what: THE NCCNGIES ARE COMING!!!!! TODAY!! In like.... 10 minutes, the first batch will be arriving on campus. We are soooooo excited! We even made little welcome cards to put on their doors!! We're slightly tempted to just stalk them all day, since it's our P-Day, but Bro Pahn is one of the new district's teacher and we had a feeling he might throw something at us if he saw us snooping around. So we are (im)patiently waiting to ATTACK them tonight! I remember our first night with our Phii Thais all came to our room and just fawned all over us. We were terrified. This time however, there's only three of us, and 11 of them, so I'm hoping that we won't be (as) overwhelming.
 and I, the night before she left for Cambodia!
The rest of our Cambodian roommates before they left!

So, I was eating my dinner yesterday when I realized we only have like..... LESS THAN THREE WEEKS LEFT! Whaaaaaaaaaaat?? Ok, first off, I'm really excited, but second off, I'm JUST NOT READY. I like.... don't really even speak Thai! I mean... I do! Kind of! But not enough! Ohhhhh goodness. It's okay. Pen pay day! I can do this! But man. Really, when did 6 weeks go by? I'm really gonna miss the MTC! It's so awesome here. Where else am I gonna sing "Called to Serve" with 2,000 other missionaries every Tuesday night? : (
Hmmmm... well, the plague came and totally wiped out my zone. We were sooooo sick. It was pretty gross. We're recovering, though!
Also, we moved back to our old classroom!!! Yes!!!!!! We missed it so much. After we moved everything back in I kind of just hugged the wall for a little bit. Seriously, our classroom is the BEST. It has a window. The chairs are comfy. It has a window. We can write on the desks with marker, but most importantly: it HAS A WINDOW.
Sister Barton and I at our desk.
So, funny story time: at the beginning of every class we sing, pray and give a spiritual thought in Thai. We have a schedule as to who does what every day. Problem is, we never actually look at it until like... 10 minutes before, so we've been having very... interesting spiritual thoughts. Well, one day it was Sis Barton's turn, and she kind of just giggled through the whole thing. It was interesting. At the end, Bro Olsen just smiled and said something like, "Baankhrang khun ruusxg ???" Sometimes you feel ????" And we were like, "what?" And he's like, you don't know what "???" means? And we were like, "no! What it is it?" And he just laughed and was like, "it's nothing!" Sis Barton was like, WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT ME??? But he wouldn't tell us! Sooo, like, an hour later Sis Barton says, "Bro Olsen, how do you say awkward?" And he turns red and says, "???" which was ee aad. HE CALLED HER AWKWARD. It was hilarious. After 
 that she's been super determined to have like, perfect spiritual thoughts. I love my teachers. :)
Hmmmmm During TRC last week I taught a person from Thailand!  It was awesome!!
Can't think of anything else to say! I feel like I'm particularly scatter-brained today. I apologize for that. 

I love everybodyyy! And I love Thai and the MTC and am excited to get out there and TEACH!
<3 Love,
Sister Zaugg

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