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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Week 3 in Thailand!

Sawat dii khhaaaaaaaa

So I haven't quite been here for 3 weeks yet, but according to my training schedule I'm on week 3 so I'm just going by that. haha 

So this last week the rainy season really started to live up to its name. It rains every day, reaaaally hard! Last Monday it rained so hard that a lot of the streets in our area of Don Muang flooded, including our little Sirisug (a neighborhood in Don Muang that we live in). That afternoon we decided to walk to the 7/11 down the street for a quick lunch, and the water was mid-calf in some places! Our quote for the day was: "Are you sure this water is sanitary? It looks pretty questionable to me!" I try not to think too hard about what kind of stuff is in the water here. I will say, though, that ever since the flooding there have been big trucks with pipes trying to fix all the drainage systems in the streets. 

Sometimes it starts raining when we're riding our bikes, so it's always an adventure going out every day! Sometimes we show up to appointments soaking wet. :) 

One of the things that causes me the most grief here in Thailand is riding my bike. I have a slight fear of bikes, coupled with the fact that there really are no traffic rules in Thailand, we have to ride in the streets, PLUS Sister Reedy rides like a bonafide khon-thai and it's scary trying to follow her weaving in and out of traffic, so I'm always stressed out. So far I've only bumped into a pole or two, so it's been OK so far! I can definitely feel the protection of angels when I'm riding. 

I love my branch president and his wife!! They're HILARIOUS! Their English is pretty good, but they still say some really funny things. This week they've told me that I look like Mandy Moore, a fairy and Legolas (who they at first thought was called Lazarus). One night they were dropping us off from FHE, and Prataan Thawit told us that if I were in a movie, I would be in a Walk to Remember, and Sis Reedy would be in a horror film. He then proceeded to explain each of our parts in our movies in extreme detail. Sis Reedy almost gets killed, but escapes, and I die of cancer. Darn!

On Saturday we went with the Branch Presidency and Sis Mui to dedicate the house of two sisters in the branch. They live with their aunt who is Buddhist and hasn't been letting them come to church. Apparently she'd bought a 'witch doll' at a market several years back, and thought that it had an evil spirit. She threw it out, but felt the spirit was still there. She had tried to have monks come and cast it out, but it hadn't worked, so she was allowing some priesthood holders to come. Prataan gave a prayer of comfort, blessed the home that it would be a place of safety and happiness and closed the prayer. Simple, but powerful! Afterwards the aunt said that she felt much better and felt a lot of peace! It was a good experience, because the next day Phlccy and Phxan both came to church! Yayyyy! Priesthood is awesome. :)

Thursday was interesting, because Sis Reedy left the keys in the house and locked the door. We tried to pick the lock, but were unsuccessful. We had to take a taxi and spend the night at the Pakkret sisters' apartment. During this whole experience we decided that instead of getting grumpy about it, we were going to be like Ammon from the Book of Mormon and look at adversity as a way of sharing the Gospel! We tried to talk to our taxi drivers, but they were too tired and grumpy. The next day we got our bikes and tried to find a locksmith. We ended up at a market. In front of the 7/11 there are are a ton of vendors. Next to a clocksmith there was a stall for a locksmith, but he wasn't there. So we went around and gave English fliers out and talked to some people! The vendors next to the locksmith were really nice. We talked to them and I even worked up the courage to share a BoM story with on of them. :) Eventually the guy came, but he couldn't help us! But, since we had become friends with the vendors, they called their other friend, who... is like... a professional lock pick or something. And he broke into our house for us. Kinda sketchy, but the land lord was fine with it. I guess it's common here in Thailand? Anyway. We got back into our house!! Yay!! That was an interesting day. And we were blessed for our good attitudes and efforts to teach while we were out. 

Yesterday we got two new investigators. The lady with the kids, Donut and Cheetoh, and her neighbor. Actually, Donut and Cheetoh are the neighbor's kids! We've taught a few laid back lessons to the house lady, but yesterday we we really serious about it and set up an appointment to come teach again! Her neighbor seemed way more interested than she was, and she's coming to learn more next time too! I'm excited, because we've been praying for a family to teach! This might be it! We'll see.

Anyway, I don't have much else to say! The work is hard, but there really is not reason to be sad. God blesses me everyday and I'm becoming a better missionary every day!

Sister Zaugg

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