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Sunday, June 30, 2013

My first transfer... OVER??

Whoa. I remember at the MTC after 6 weeks I'd felt like I'd been there for SOOO long, and I was so cool, because I was one of the seasoned older kids, but  in Thailand I still feel like a clueless greenie and that it's been just a blink of an eye!

As far as the language goes, I've seen a marginal improvement. Sometimes in contacting situations, Sis Reedy and I will split up and talk to different people (within sight and sound, of course), and I can usually hold up a conversation. It's pretty one sided though. I ask a question, they answer something I don't really understand. They ask a question that I try to make up an answer to that might be relevant. So far I haven't gotten TOO many weird looks. But I do understand more than I did 6 weeks ago! It's great. Maybe in a year and a half I'll speak Thai. :)

 A lot of our contacting looks like this!
Also, there's my bike.
I named it Starshine Moonbeam. :)
So this week at District Meeting my District Leader informed us that Pres Senior wants two hours of street contacting to be the priority of our schedules. We're supposed to schedule everything else around the contacting! I have to say, Sis Reedy and I have found a lot of success in doing this! It's really scary, and kind of makes me tired thinking about 2 hours of street contacting every day, especially since I'm not confident with just striking up a conversation with someone in Thai and then somehow relating it to Christ in a way that would touch them, but as Sis Reedy and I have hit the neighborhoods, marketplaces and other random places of Bangkok, we have seen an improvement in our Thai, our conversational abilities (ie: not being awkward farangs), sensitivity to the direction from the Spirit and abilities to bear our testimonies powerfully. We have met A LOT of people who are potential investigators. The stressful part is that we keep finding all these people, and we have to weed out the ones who are actually prepared by the Lord, teach them, teach our current investigators, visit our less active members, and everything else that we have to do in a week.

 That is a cat that always likes to sit under my skirt
 when we eat at this one food ran by hour house. LOL
For the first time our stress isn't about trying to find something to do, but it's that we have TOO MUCH TO DO. President Senior told me a couple weeks ago that if we would keep working hard and being obedient, the Lord would bless us. Well.... he has! Maybe even a little too much!! hahaha OK, we can never have too much work, but MAN WE ARE BUSYYYY. The work here has just EXPLODED. We are just harvesting all day every day!

  Doraemon Sushi
We got 3 new investigators this week. The first one is named My Heart.


His name is My Heart.

We got him as a referral foreverrrrr ago! Like, my second week here or something. But, when we contacted him, he was like, "Yeahh I live by the airport, and I'm only free in the evenings, so if we meet there at 7 I can show you where I live." And we were like, "Ehhh...... maybe not."

 Chaengwattana (about 20 minutes from
our house- still in Bangkok)
But then we got him as a referral a SECOND time, so we thought, "Maybe he actually is interested!" So we called him up again and set up a time during the day to go visit him with a member from our branch. She picked us up in her cute little asian minivan. :) haha Anyway, we thought he was kind of older, 'cause the Elders who referred him said he had a wife and kids, and he sounded older on the phone, but when he and his wife/girlfriend/fiance came to show us where to go, he was super young! Like... in his twenties! We were like, "Whoa." Anyway, they took us to not their house..... but his snooker ran? Like, a place where a bunch of mechanics play pool and hang out. ahahhahahhaha Apparently they live in another part of Bangkok, but own the snooker in Don Muang, and spend more than half of their time there. It's interesting.... Anyway, we just sat in a corner of his snooker and ended up talking to him, his wife and his parents! They're all (minus the wife) Christian already, and were interested in going to Church and our English program. So we gave them a Book of Mormon and said we'd meet them at church on Sunday. Turns out, though, that My Heart goes to school in the morning and so they have to go to the other branch. It's weiiird, but we gotta get them to church somehow! Anyway, turns out that he isn't in his 20's he's only 19!!!!We were so shocked. He's like, wayyyy grown up. Anyway.

They all came to church, except for his wife. His dad came!! We were super excited about that. They missed sacrament meeting, so we took them to Sunday School... turns out Pakkret branch doesn't have a gospel principles class so they were talking about some deep doctrine and they were really confused. ahahahha So we decided to not have them stay for 5th Sunday Forum and teach them the restoration instead. They loved it!! After talking about the First Vision, we were like, "Do you think God and Jesus Christ actually appeared to Joseph?" And they were like, "YEAH! Miracles happen!" 
This is me and Scooter.

Ohhh my gosh, we love these people so much. They're like..... soooo romantic. In an Anne of Green Gables kind of way. I mean- they named there son My Heart to begin with. They're Christian, which is a wayyyy weird thing to be in Thailand, and the parents hold hands all the time- which is WAY weird for Thailand, especially for people their age. They are sooooo sweet and willing to learn. We're excited to teach them about the temple, 'cause they're gonna LOVE IT!!!

The only problem teaching them is that it's kind of hard to talk/pray about them with a straight face. "My Heart isn't here!" "Please take care of My Heart." I love it! Best name ever.

This is a hilarious picture of me
and Sis Reedy going home-
a bug flew in her eye and she was trying
to get it out and I was just being annoying.
The other day we stopped by to visit Mali, and I noticed that she has the wimpiest little sign for his sausage stand, so I'm making one for her today. Hahaaha She gave my a very detailed explanation of what she wants. hahahahahah It's so cute! I hope it gets her more business.

So yeah! The work in Don Muang is going great! I'm exhausted all the time. I hit the pillow and I'm out, and then I wake up and say, "It's morning ALREADY??" But I get the strength I need, so it's alllll good.

Yesterday two guys on a motorcycle passed by, the one on the back was resting a giant wooden dinner table on their heads and both were laughing hysterically. Funny enough, I wasn't that surprised by it. 

Love you all! Please send me emails! I'd love to hear from some friends. C:


Sister Zaugg

1 comment:

  1. Busy as a missionary is the best feeling ever! I know it feels like you may not have any strength left day in and day out - but you are being so blessed. Sounds like you have promising investigators and that makes it all worth it. :) You are doing a great job Emma. Keep staying obedient.

    Aunt Candace
