We went contacting with Sister Senior on Tuesday. It was wayyyyy fun!
This picture is of us searching for new investigators.
On Thursday we decided to go find a member's house 'cause we're trying to go find and visit all of the members in the ward. The only problem with doing this is we're doing surprise visits because if you ask members to visit them they get really suspicious and will almost never let you go over. I think missionaries in the past have overused members and now they don't really trust the missionaries. Our goal right now is to just go find them and see how we can serve them and gain their trust again! So anyway, we found this member's address and hopped on a song thew to her neighborhood.
And let me tell you: it was like walking into Wonderland! It was the NICEST neighborhood EVER!! It was lined with all kinds of Western restaurants, shops and super nice houses. It wasn't as dirty as other neighborhoods, cars were actually parked on the right side of the street, and we got to watch a Thai drama being filmed. ahahaha The crazy part was that it was a Thai nieghborhood... we didn't see any white people! It was crazy! It was so perfect. Even though it was a million degrees outside and we were soaked in our own sweat, we were having such a good time walking around. At one point we found a cheesecake shop. Yup. We went in 'cause Sis Hughes really needed to use the bathroom, and so they directed us to a little potty between their shop and a massage place next door. While I was sitting outside, waiting, the massage guy next door came out to give me his business card. I was like, "...Thanks. Missionaries can't get massages! Do you wanna learn how to be cleaned from sins through Jesus Christ?" And he was like, "....Yeah!" Hahahahah We've gone to teach him once so far but he had some customers so we're gonna have to go back at a better time. We'll see where that goes.
No Swiss Restaurant is complete without two cow statues. |
Also, in that neighborhood is a Swiss Restaurant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was too good to not pass up.
yuuummmmmmmmmmm |
We went there for lunch on Friday and ate STROGANOFF. It was so good. Except for the fact that it's been about 6 months since I've eaten beef and my body just didn't know what to do with it all. The next day Sis Hughes and I suffered from all kinds of terrible stomach pains. hahahahha But it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo worth it.
On Friday we had to go back out to Asoke for another dentist appointment. Sis Hughes has another one in two weeks, and hopefully it'll be her last! However, we will miss getting to eat sandwiches for dinner. Mmmmmmmmmm :)
And now here is the best part of the email.
Are you ready?
JEEP GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh it was so awesome. :)))))) Before her baptism she was worried 'cause she still hadn't told her mom that she was changing religions, but when she showed up on Saturday we were like, "So how did it go???" And she was like, "The only thing she said was to make sure I go to the wad first." lolllll So I guess it isn't a problem? Ohhhhh I'm so happy for Jeep. :))
All of the new members and Pa Gua and Khiam!! These two old guys are the best. In Sacrament meeting I saw them wai each other as is custom when greeting someone, and then fist bump each other. |
There were actually 5 baptisms this week, 'cause on Sunday there were 4 more baptisms!! It was craaaaaazy!
So yeah!! The work in Saphaan Sung is awesome. Right now we're trying harder at talking to every one and be more bold and find more people who wanna be baptized! We need to find them quick if we're gonna make our goal for 20 baptisms as a district this transfer. But really.... I think we might make it. We're 6/20 right now. Yeahhhh B)
Sis Zaugg
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