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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Hey allllll

[Editor's note: All of the names that come across as gobbledy-gook in the email, I am assuming are written in Thai. Normally I try to replace them with the actual names, but this time I didn't have a chance to ask her what they were and couldn't figure it out from the email context.]

Another great week in ÊоҹÊÙ§!

First things first: àºÃÕéÂÇ was baptized!! That's a fun story. So on Saturday she was interviewed and passed. She was excited and super ready! Her only concern was that next month she's likely moving to this teeny little town out on the border of Laos. Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Luckily there's a branch out there so she'll be fine, but STILL. She just now told us?? hahahahah Another strange thing about Thai people is that they move A LOT. And really suddenly. One day you'll visit an investigator or member, and the next call them only to find out that they've suddenly disappeared to a different province without telling anyone. I don't understand. haha Anyway, so we went home for the night, but got a call from àºÃÕéÂÇ. She was starting to get really nervous, 'cause she has a friend who joined some Christian church a while a go but went back to Buddhism soon afterwards, so she was getting scared that maybe she would do that and wanted to know what the consequences of it was. We could only tell her to remember why she wants to be baptized and to pray. Sunday morning we were SO NERVOUS! We couldn't even talk to each other walking to church. BUT. She came! She came into the church wearing a white eye patch over her left eye. We were like, "Uhhhh.... what happened?" She was like, "This morning I cut my eye with my finger nail." What? So basically her eye was hurting pretty bad, and she left after the second hour to go see a doctor for a bit. She left without telling us, so we called her and were like, "Uhhh... are you coming back?" And she was like, "Yeah, hold on!" So she came back just in time for the baptism.So then she got baptized! But she wouldn't bend her knees... so she had to get baptized 4 times before she finally went under all the way. After the end of the service she left pretty quickly cause her eye was hurting so badly. Basically it was a disaster. Sis Hughes and I were so.... confused. hahaha Pretty much all of Hell combined against this girl, but she still did it! Oh it was so strange. We knew that àºÃÕéÂÇ was a strange person, but every time we see her she just gets stranger. We've concluded that she's the Thai, female version of Eugene from Hey! Arnold. You know, the one that's always having terrible stuff happen to him? Yeah. But she was so ready to be baptized. She knows it's all true, and always talks about how she's excited to be cleansed from her sins. Only thing is we can't get a hold of her now, so we're pretty much freaking out.  Bahhhhhhh o_o

Bro Boss with a ton of cardboard
on his bike outside of the church.

So besides having the most bizarre and stressful baptism ever, Sunday was a really good day! We got 6 investigators to church! That's the most I've ever had. Our goal is to get 10+ like the elders do by the end of the transfer. One of those investigators was a girl named Dear. She's getting baptized on the 15th of November. She's 17 and kids under 18 years old have to come to church 4 weeks in a row before they can get baptized, but the girl could have been baptized last week, she's SO ready! Last Wednesday after we taught her, she wanted to keep learning so she went to the adult institute class with Jeep, my recent convert. hahahah She's soooo cute!

After teaching Dear on Sunday, we went contacting. We ran into Khaw, the kid that got baptized my first week here. He was in his white shirt, slacks and tie with a baptism card in hand out contacting!! It was SO cute! We were like, "Hey! We're going to the market! You wanna go too?" He was like, "YEAH! Let me tell the Elders first." lolol Next to that giant wad that we got lost in there's a huge market on the weekends. We've never gone contacting there so we decided to try it out. It was fun! I found one girl who said she would be baptized and is going to meet with us tomorrow. Yay!

On Wednesday we made plans with the Bishop's wife to teach her how to make some American food. Last week we took her to the farang grocery store and told her everything she needed to buy. So on Wednesday she brought all the stuff excited for cheese. :/

 The lady with the knives is the elders' investigator...

We taught her (and pretty much all the other investigators and members who were at the church as well) how to make mashed potatoes and funeral potatoes. While we were prepping the potatoes an investigator showed up to be taught so we were like, "Ok, Sister Kew, only boil 6 of these potatoes, OK?" She said, "OK!" So we went and taught the investigator. 15 minutes later we came back and found that she'd thrown ALL but 3 of the potatoes into boil. We were like, "Sister KEW!! We told you only to put 6 in!" She just laughed and was like, "iiiiii dunnoooooooooooooo!"

So after everything was finished/baking, we went to go teach  àºÃÕéÂÇ. We came back to the kitchen and found that every one had eaten it all already except for 2 plates that were set aside for us. On the plates was a pile of funeral potatoes heaped over mashed potatoes soaked in gravy. I lost it. I was like, "SISTER KEW!! What did you?????" She just laughed and was like, "iiiiiiii dunoooooooooooooooooo!" Apparently she served it like that to EVERY ONE. Funny thing, they LOVED it. LOL I guess they didn't know any different. It actually tasted pretty good. hahaahhaha 

 Kitty cafe!

That same day Sis Hughes and I discovered that a new cat cafe had opened close to our home. A cat cafe is a cafe that has a million kitties hanging out that you can play with while you eat. We resolved to eat there one day. Well, that one day turned out to be Thursday afternoon. We had finished eating lunch at our usual place and had 15 minutes left before it was time to get to work. Usually we would just go work the extra 15 minutes, but all of a sudden that kitty cafe popped into my mind and I was like, "Sister. We need to go there." So we went and got chocolate shakes there. It. Was. Amazing. She had like, 10 cats hanging out there. We were like, "Hey do you have more cats?" She was like, "Yeah. 8 more in the back! You wanna see?" LOL We actually are going back there to teach her 'cause she's interested. So awesome!

Sis Hughes forgot how to dismount a bike
This week had a small miracle in that Sis Hughes decided to try riding her bike! It's been a long time, but she gave it a go! And her knees didn't hurt!!!! It was way exciting. I missed my bike. 

On Friday it was THANKSGIVING TACO NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We all ate dinner at the family who has the french grandkids' house. It was so. Delicious. I miss Mexican food!!!

On Saturday we went out to Asoke again for choir practice. That was fun. We had to rush back to ÊоҹÊÙ§ for the Elders' baptism, so we bought food from a cart. Before getting on the sky rail. We had one of those moments where we were in downtown bangkok, sitting on the steps of a police box, eating fried chicken and sticky rice and weren't quite sure why or how we got there. That happens occasionally. It's fine, you just shrug it off and sink deeper into the weirdness that's missionary life in Thailand.

So yeah! Besides feeling majorly stressed out over  àºÃÕéÂÇ, things are going fantabulously! Can't believe this transfer only has 3 more weeks left. Goes by quick!

Sis Zaugg

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