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Sunday, March 23, 2014


Well, another rough week for us people in Nong Khai, but we keep pushing on!

 "Jerry Cake"
On Monday we went to go teach Tong, that one member's niece. We got there and he was like, "Surprise! It's my birthday! You're going to eat with us." So we quick taught her a lesson, but it was supes awkward, because the brother had a bunch of friends from work over and they all just kind of sat awkwardly in the corner and listened.... we tried to include them but they wouldn't have it. haha So then we followed them over to the river where we ate a weird assortment of fried chicken on matts. Before we had to go home Bro Noke pulls out his "birthday cake". We were like, "What kind of cake is it?" and they're all like, "Jerry cake!" ...huh? And then they took it out of the box and we were like, "Ohhhhh...." It was a cake made of jelly. Only jelly. It. Was. Disgusting. I kind of just chopped it up with my spoon and made it look like I ate it. haha! 

One of the friends who was at the dinner has investigated before, so on Tuesday morning we rode our bikes to Bro Noke's office. He teaches Japanese! Sometimes I try to say something to him in Japanese and it fails miserably. It always comes out in Thai. :/  Anyway, so we taught the friend in his office. It's pretty cool, Bro Noke just takes in wayward kids who don't have much going for them and teaches them Japanese and a job helping teach his students. You can tell that they really respect him.

The lesson went alright.... I don't think we'll be teaching him again, though. There's a reason why he's been dropped 4 times already. haha He's just not ready to commit!

Sweaty back!
This week we had some SUPER HOT WEATHER. I diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeed! I totally forgot how hot it was when I was a greenie. One day we biked out to Tesco and I saw my back in a mirror in the bathroom and I just couldn't help but laugh. I was sooo sweaty! There was a cleaning lady standing in the doorway (they sit and wait to mop up the floor after people). She must have thought I was crazy, but I was like, "Hey, I am not a normal person." and invited her to be baptized. She accepted and we taught her at the church that night! She was soooooooooooo cuuuuuuuute! Except she didn't go to church on Sunday, so I dunno if she's that interested. :( Darn.

On Thursday we went to Udorn for Zone Conference!!!!!!!!! I LOVE Zone Conference! My district totally destoyed the zone at scripture jeopardy because turns out Elder Sae Dan is a scripture GENIUS. We were getting crushed at first only because he didn't understand the clues, but at one point he just got fed up with it and shot his hand up, got called on, then turned to us and was like, "What does it mean???" and STILL got the point after we translated for him.

We got to see pictures of Pres. Senior from his mission in Japan, and he just gave us a lot of encouragement and love. I felt really inspired afterwards.

Switch off with Sis Tilley!
After that I left Sis Maughan in Udorn and took Sis Tilley back to Nong Khai for another switch off. I've always wanted to be companions with Sis Tilley, so it was really fun! 

On Friday we had 6 appointments set up and 5 of them fell through, but an older man who I'd contacted a few days ago came to Book of Mormon class. He's in the army and is way interested in becoming Christian!

These dancers were gathered across the street from our
house.It started pouring like, 2 minutes after this picture
was taken. lol!
On Saturday it RAINED. It hasn't rained in forever! At first I was way excited, but then I quickly remembered how annoying rain is when you're a missionary. We were riding our bikes when it started, so we bought some rain ponchos. Good thing we did, because we got splattered all over with mud from our bikes. When we finally rolled into Tesco Lotus, we were a mess. Wearing ponchos covered in mud, hair all frizzy, makeup running, legs covered in dirt.... as we were walking to the bathroom to clean up I said, "We do NOT look like representatives of Jesus Christ." and Sis Maughan said, "No. We look like homeless people."

When we contact there's usually 1-3 vendors
that are always there and just laugh at you
while you contact, and you get back at them
by inviting them 3 times a day. This is the group
of vendors at our favorite spot at Tesco.
One is a less active member. Anyway,
I thought this was a really funny picture of them.
After contacting at Tesco we changed into our exercise clothes for branch sports night! It was at a high school that's closed for the summer. They have a big building up on stilts made specially for volley ball. To give you an idea of how weird this sports night was: Elders Smith and Wheeler brought an LA that was higher than a kite on pot, there was an entire volley ball team of teenage girls just sitting and watching us play, and random street dogs had climbed up into the building and were wandering around, doing what? I have no idea. Eventually the high guy kicked me off the team because I'm that terrible, and some of the teenage girls hopped in. It... was ridiculous.

After that we raced the district leader back to the church for Tong's baptismal interview! She passed...... BUT SHE DIDN'T GET BAPTIZED.

We called them Sunday morning to remind Bro Noke to bring his baptismal suit, and she was like, "I don't feel well, so I'm not not going." uhhhhh WHUT? Later that night when we were contacting at a 7/11 they showed up and bought stuff and she had obviously gone and had her hair died somewhere and we were like, "Uhhh.... So why didn't you get baptized?????" And Bro Noke was like, "Well, I felt weird that Elder Sae Dan was going to baptize her, and I think I should do it so we didn't go." Whaaaaaaaaat? We were like, "...... Who said Elder Sae Dan was baptizing her..... we thought you were!!!!!" We were soooooo confused! And obviously he was upset that we just didn't tell him right upfront that he was going to be the baptizer. I never even thought to tell him that he was baptizing his own niece.............. I thought that was implied!! But it ended up making her miss her own baptism! During the heat of our conversation Sis Maughan randomly was like, "HEY! Why are you buying stuff on Sunday!?!!?!?" At the point I was like, DOI! Now we're done. She's never getting baptized and he's gonna go inactive because he's offended. But for some reason that cooled him down. He was like, "OOPS!!! Well... uh..... I don't drink tea or coffee!!!" -__- So maybe it's good that she isn't baptized yet... we can go over the Sabbath with BOTH of them before. hahahahah At the close of the encounter I was like, "Hey, your hair is cute, Tong." and Bro Noke was like, "It was only 300 baht- GASP. THAT WAS SPENDING MONEY ON THE SABBATH." He was so embarrassed. lololololol Well, I'm glad that it ended up alright and nobody is upset, but man. What a pain.

Beautiful rice fields. :)
No one in our district had any investigators to church on Sunday... except we had that soldier go to church in Udorn. hahahaha It was a rough day....... But we survived! And we have a new week. All is well.

This week we get to teach the Young Women how to make cookies. That'll be fun!!


Sis Zaugg

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