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Sunday, April 6, 2014


So there's this furniture shop on the road that our little house is on. Every night we pass it and every night the guy yells, "Hello!" and we say, "'Sup!" In the last week or so he's been yelling, "THUP!!!!" at us. We're teaching good things here, people!

Eating at a Japanese place with the district last P-Day!
Sis Maughan gave up on the chopsticks.
Then we went bowling!
(I'm in non-missionary attire because
we were about to go iceksating)

The hospital is always the best way to end a P-Day.
So this week has been alllllllll over the place! On P-day we went ice skating with our district and the Gumpawapi elders. It was really great until E. Wheeler went wayyyyy too fast on his iceskates and tried to stop with his chin. We took a fun trip to the hospital in Udorn. 7 stitches!

Tuesday night we took a van down to Udorn and took an over-night bus with the Zone Leaders down to Bangkok for missionary leadership training! It was way good. We focused on filling the cracks in the mission to keep us going forward. The official number for baptisms in March was 218. Yeah. THAT IS AMAZING. That has never been done before in the Asia Area. I am SO sososososososso blessed to be here right now! I love this work, people. I love Thai people, I love our missionaries, I LOVE THAILAND!!!

I also really love my mission President and his wife. I know I've said it a MILLION times already, but they have changed my life forever. I finally got an interview with Pres Senior. The last one was in August. I wished that I had problems or something so that I could talk to him longer! hahahaha At the end of the day when we were all leaving to our various areas across the country, I watched Pres Senior walking away from the office in his spiffy suit and briefcase in hand. And I just realized how much he sacrifices for the Lord and for Thailand. We all know that Pres Senior is disgustingly rich, but he's dedicating his time, energy, money, and to be honest, his whole soul to getting a temple here in Thailand. I have SO much respect for those two.

I went on another switch-off in Udorn, and then finally made it back to my own area on Friday! Phew!

This week Sis Maughan and I slowly started realizing how crazy we've become on our mission. It's just been slowly unfolding and last night was when we really truly understood just how CRAZY WE ARE!! 

It started last Tuesday when we were standing outside of 7/11 for like, the 3rd time that day in the BLAZING heat, and had invited the like, 3 people that we've invited on at least 4 other occasions, and we were like, "We.... are here.... all day. Every day."

 I think this is the Buddha version of Scout Camp.....?
And then it got worse when we were talking to the zone leaders on the bus when they told us about THEIR own realization. They said, "If we were in America, we would be two huge, African men wearing their traditional garb who stand outside of Walmart all day EVERY DAY in the blazing heat, who ask every one they see to wash their sins. THAT IS US." We DIED laughing.... because it's TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then it got worse on Thursday when we were making more of an effort to ask people who we invite for referrals of people who would be interested. Sis Maughan was like, "Hey, Sis Zaugg.... what do you ask them to get referrals?" and I was like, "Hey. Do you know any drug dealers, murderers, or adulterers? .....Can we get their number?" and then we died again!!!!!! BECAUSE IT'S TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No wonder people think we are crazy! BECAUSE WE ARE!!!

But in such a good way. :,) We have a solid group of investigators right now who 90% of them came from contacting like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thai people think we're crazy for it, but for some reason or another they fall for it. hahahahhahaa! They want to wash their sins! We just gotta ask them. :)

In Udorn we helped a member clear our her garden!I took a family picture with my daughter!
Yes, hatchets were involved.

Here's another funny 7/11 story:

For branch sports day we played basketball at the Chinese school in downtown Nong Khai. Half way through, this wayyyyy huge group of HUGE Thai guys wandered over and was like, "Hey... you wanna play full court?" so all the missionaries minus Elder Sae Dan and myself played them. Somehow Sis Maughan ended up guarding the biggest one out of the group, and because she was raised on a res and played dirty in high school, she totally stuck her foot out in front of him and tripped him. He was a total baby about it and wouldn't play afterwards. So fast forward a few days, and last night we were contacting at 7/11.... per usual, and two guys in basketball jerseys pull up on a scooter. I invited them, and it was way awkward 'cause they were giving me the funniest look, and I didn't know why. And then I realized that one of them had his ankle all wrapped up and was limping. I looked at Sis Maughan and we were like, "NO WAY." We were soooo scared! hahahah they kept glaring at us the whole time they were in the 7/11. We were so afraid that they were gonna kill us. lollllllllllllllll Oh dear.

For April Fools day we put that dead fish on Elder Sae Dan's bike seat.
Our April Fool's joke! :)

Sooo yeah! It was a fun week. We made bookmarks with Pen, my favorite cambodian girl! We are OBSESSED with her!!!!!!!!! She is glued to us at church! We draw pictures during sacrament meeting and she gives us lots of hugs. :))))))))
We love riding bikes with Pen!

Right now we have about 4 investigators and ALL of them are male! That's so crazy!!!!! We're really excited about all of them. Whoop whoop for potential priesthood holders!!! The church here really needs 'em.

I'm SO STOKED FOR GENERAL CONFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!! It kills me that we have to wait. It's better than Christmas, yo. It's gonna be pretty crazy this weeked, because General Conference falls on the biggest holiday in Thailand: Songkraan... which is basically a giant water fight. :O I'm way excited!

It's ridiculously hot and the work is good! 

Have a great week, y'all!!!

Sis Zaugg

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