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Monday, May 12, 2014


Today I don't have too much time, but I have good news:

(My mom had a baby for anyone who didn't know)
Witnessed her 3rd poop EVER.

Our investigator, Yii, got baptized!! She is sooooooo adorable. She has been coming to church religiously for 2 months now. She had one more month before she could get baptized, but we got special permission to baptize her early, just because she was so ready for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other good news: 

I cut my hair! One morning when we were getting ready to leave, I had braided my hair and was lamenting the pile of hair that had fallen out in the process (the msg in the food makes my hair fall out). And then.... all of a sudden there were scissors in my hands.... and then I was cutting off my hair! And then I just kept cutting it and cutting it! hhaha I'm actually thinking of taking another inch off. ...oops haha

Me and Stewart on the border of Laos
This last week we found lots of new investigators! We found a man who lives at a Buddhist temple with his dad who is like the Pope of the temple... but the man wants to be Christian and is going to be baptized next Sunday!!!! He's so awesome.

Udorn is pretty cool looking.

Udorn is pretty cool looking.

This procession of monks caused a traffic jam
We also found a woman named Jin. We met her one day after the zone leaders sent a text out that said, "Invite every single person you see today," and we passed her on our bikes and she wanted to wash her sins! She came to the church the next day and expressed such a great desire to come unto God and to start over. We taught her some commandments and she was so excited about them! THEN. We asked her to pray. It was her first prayer in her entire life... and it was literally THE most beautiful prayer I've ever heard. She prayed that God would help her draw nearer to him, thanked Him for the commandments she learned, and then asked for forgiveness of her sins. She paused for a few moments, and I looked up and she was looking up with tears streaming down her face! Then she kept praying for her family and that they would recognize their sins and that they would repent and return to God. It. Blew. Me. Away. Wow. She came to church on Sunday and is SO ready for baptism. I loooooove her!

This member is the most FABULOUS woman
 I have ever met. She's like, 3 feet tall
 and drives this red wagon around. Lovely.

Meet Jack.
He is ALWAYS playing this game
 on his ipad called "Cookie Run".
Anyway. He holds the branch together.
He's 2nd counselor in the branch presidency,
branch mission leader, branch clerk AND
always helps the missionaries teach.
He. Is. Incredible.
This week Sis Tilley almost ate a gecko! One morning we were all making breakfast
and Sis Tilley opened up her fiber cookies box and grabbed a cookie out and put it in her mouth. What she failed to notice was the big 'ol BLACK gecko that was placed perfectly on top of the cookie and only noticed it when it started wiggling in her mouth!!!!!!!! She spit it out and screamed for soooooo looooooong! Poor girl. Glad it wasn't me.

So yeah! It was a good week. Today Sis Stewart and I are going to look into renting a tandem bike for a week and do missionary work oppa tandem style. :) Will let ya know how it goes!

Have a wonderful week! Love ya

Sis Zaugg

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