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Sunday, May 25, 2014

It's a COUP!

So on Thursday evening we were teaching our investigator, George, when he got a call from a friend telling him about the "curfew". And so he was like, "Well, snap, guys. We all gotta go home before the police get us." And we were like, "Curfew? What curfew?" They tried to explain to us about the military taking over but even though I've been living in Thailand for a year (March 22nd was my year mark in country!), I am completely oblivious to all of the political turmoil, so I didn't really get it. haha All I know is that they can't pick a prime minister. There's two political groups: the red shirts and the yellow shirts, and the yellow shirts are the ones causing all the problems. So basically right now there's a curfew at 10PM every night. If the army catches you out after then, you get fined. There are big army trucks that patrol the city and soldiers with big guns are stationed at big intersections. It's actually not too scary. I've heard even in Bangkok it isn't that bad.

This is what we did for P-Day last week.
Turns out you actually can't rent them for more than an hour. :( #dreamsofproselytingtandembikestyledashed

So, despite the curfew, we were still able to teach George and interview him and get him baptized on Sunday! George is a cool dude. A few weeks ago Sis Stewart and I were riding around Udon, getting lost, you know, when a guy on his motorcycle shouted "Hey!" at me at a stop light. I yelled back, "Do you wanna go to church?!" and he was like, "Uhhh... actually, yeah!" so I told him to pull over and we made an appointment to meet at the church. When I got back on my bike Sis Stewart was GONE. hahahahahah We ended up being separated for a good 10 minutes. Luckily we both decided to go to Landmark and we were happily reunited!

George is just wayyyyyyy funny. He like... would say that he wasn't that interested, but he would always keep the commitments we gave him and call to make appointments himself. It was like he couldn't tell that he was slowly being sucked in. LOL He speaks pretty good English but just doesn't really know how to express positive remarks correctly. For a long time we thought he was uninterested because of the way he would respond to our questions. "Hey George, how did you like church?" "Yeah.... OK." "Hey George, are you excited to be baptized?" "Yeah, fine, OK." We later figured that that was his way of expressing joy when we asked him how he felt about marrying his girlfriend who he loves to death and he responded, "Yeah.... OK." hahahhahaha

So uhhhhh yeah! Besides that, there hasn't been too much to write home about. We're having lots of fun getting to know our Elders better. Our district has become OBSESSED with riddles. Elder Jex is the master riddle teller. He'll just throw one out and the district goes mad trying to solve it! It's fun. One day we had to be quarantined at either our house or the church for precautionary measures after the curfew was announced, so we ordered McDonalds' and told each other riddles. 

Livin' the life! Love you guys!

Sis Zaugg

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