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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Here I Begin Transfer 2 :)

(This is Sister Zaugg's letter from 7/15 that didn't go through last week)

Our house is falling apart, no big deal.

Helllloooooo! So this week marks the beginning of transfer two! Even though Sister Reedy and I are staying in Don Muang for this transfer, we were invited to the transfer meeting because transfers always take place at the Chaengwatthana building (where we have church). We were hoping to get some training on English class and sharing the Gospel through family history, but as it happened the English meeting started earlier than we expected so we missed most of it, and we had to leave for an appointment before the actual transfer meeting ended so we didn't even get to the other training. :( However, transfers was sooooo much fun! Transfers are 6 weeks long here. At the end of each transfer all the people who are told to come to transfers meeting pack up their stuff and come to Bangkok to get their new areas and companions (and packages!). Sister Ng and Elder Wahl were there!! But not because they're changing areas. Their trainers are dying! They've already finished their missions. I can't even imagine killing my trainer! That would be hard. Luckily Sister Reedy is still very young in the mission. :)

Anyway. Transfer meetings in Thailand are way fun. Pres Senior was really stressing having zone pride and having friendly competition between the zones, so my zone leaders asked me to make a logo for the zone that they could put on a flag. They made little flags for every one in the zone. We're called 'Zion's Fist'. : ) We all sat in ranks according to our Zones and then sectioned off into Districts and companionships. Whenever someone got called to serve in our zone one of the Elders would shout, "Hip hip!" And we would all yell, "Huzzah!!" and wave our flags. Also- somehow Elder Appleyard (zone leader) convinced SIster Sahagun to bake an apple pie. The zone leaders had it placed on a pedestal next to them with a fancy red cloth and stuck a flag in it. President Senior was really impressed. hahaha! He has been in country for 1 year now! We ate apple pie together to celebrate. :)

Anyway, it was way awesome to see my nccngs! I didn't get to talk to any of them cause we left early, but Sister Tilly is in my district! Sister Sahagun is training her!! Sister Sahagun JUST finished being trained and now SHE'S training! All of my nccngs are being trained by my Phiis, who have only been here for 12 weeks!!

I'm super scared now, because that means I might train in 6 weeks. o____o NOOOOOOOO. Ohhh boy. I mean.... I could proooobably do it, but there is a high likelihood that I would get myself and my greenie killed. Or lost. We most definitely would get lost. Eughhhhh

I try not to think about that.

So yeah! Transfers is just a big party. Pres Senior calls out the area, says, "Elder so-and-so!" - he pulls up a picture of that Elder - "You're serving with Elder so-and-so!" -pulls up another picture. And then the two elders run and give each other a big bear hug and run to their new zone while every one applauds. There wasn't a transfer meeting when I got here, so it was fun to go to this one!

Let's see... what else....

Earlier this week we had to leave our bikes in front of a Tesco Lotus (like a 7/11) over night, and when we went back the next morning to pick them up my helmet was ALLLLLL chewed up by a dog!!!!! I WAS SO MAD!!!! We took it to SIster Lek's house and disassembled it, and she sewed the straps together and then we reassembled it. It definitely isn't the same as before, but it works and I don't have to buy a new one!!! We were so grateful for Sis Lek. She always seems to be there to help our bike problems. :) But now I carry my helmet everywhere I go.

Wednesday was the best day ever!!! We had a great District Meeting the day before that was about using our agency to choose to be better missionaries and have more faith! Sister Reedy and I didn't talk about it together, but individually we just resolved to change and be more diligent. On Wednesday we were both praying for help and each other the whoooooole day! I was completely focused on the work the whole day, and we just felt like missionaries! We taught by the spirit, we saw the people we work with progress- God performed small miracles- it was amazing! We decided that it was possible to have every day be like that! And guess what! Thursday was just like the day before! It was AWESOME!! We were contacting in this area that we call the Land of Nephi. We call it that because we call our neighborhood that we live in Zarahemla, and in order to get to the Land of Nephi we have to bike through this road that is like.... super broken up and surrounded by tall grass and trash and dogs. We call it Desolation, herefore the land on the other side is called the Land of Nephi. :) Anyway.... we were contacting in the Land of Nephi, and getting rejected by every one! At the end we passed a house, that had two little poodles that like THREW themselves at the gate and were freaking out.... which happens at like every house that has a dog. We laughed and thought they were cute and kept walking, I was like, "Sorry doggies! We have to go find God's prepared people!" Sister Reedy laughed and then was like, "Wait.... what if that house has God's prepared people?" And I was like, "......OK." So we went back and talked to the lady who had just come out of here house. She was super happy to chat with us, she speaks English, and she made her daughter come out to talk to us so she could practice her English. They invited us in and we were trying to share the Book of Mormon, but the mom kept asking random questions that would take the discussion off track! Usually when that happens we just move on, cause they aren't interested, but that time we just kept pushing for some reason. The mom had to leave the room for a bit, and after she'd gone, the daughter turned to us and said, "Actually, I'm really interested in your message. My family is Buddhist but it doesn't do anything for us, there's no point to it. I want to know if Christianity would do anything for us, but I'm afraid to change and then have family relations be awkward only to find out Christianity doesn't have a point either!" So we taught her that there's a way to test Christianity out and about prayer and she is really sincere about learning about Christ! 

Miracles I tell ya. :,)

Unfortunately the rest of the week went... not so great. It seems like the adversary really picked up his pace. :( Mali basically told us that she can't change, but we realized that that's because she doesn't have a testimony of the Book of Mormon yet, so we need to repent and help her gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon and Christ. We aren't giving up yet.

We've been handed a curve ball right now now, but I know that if we push through it with faith, we'll see miracles!!

Love ya!

Sister Zaugg

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