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Sunday, August 18, 2013

I'm a mom!

So last week was nuts!

First on Tuesday we had to go to Asoke for training on... training. I LOVE Asoke so I had no complaints there! Hahaha To get there, we took a son thew to get to the big road where we got a taxi that took us to the BTS which is like the AMTRAK in Bangkok. Then we got on the MRT which is the subway, and then we walked to the church. I loooooooooove Bangkok! I hope that they open an area in Asoke for sisters, and I hope I'm the one who does it!!!

Anyway, the meeting was great. Sister Barton and Ng were there! They're training too!

Wednesday was weird because Sister Reedy had to pack, and nobody could really meet with us and it wasn't very productive. By this time I was feeling way not missionary-esque and was itching to just go out and proselyte! 

And then Thursday was transfers!!!!! We got to the church bright and early and met all the new missionaries. They were all so cute. : )))) There were 8 sisters and 14 elders. Sister Reedy got called to open an area in Lampang which is in the North in the Chiang Mai district! We all flipped out!!!!! Our District Leader was really sad because he was 100% positive that she was going to open the new area in Pakkret. She's seriously been EVERYWHERE and she's only been out for 6 months! Craaazy!

Anyway, and then I got my ÅÙ¡ (loog)!!! I wasn't THAT nervous until they started assigning all the trainers to their greenies. Then I started freaking out. I was like, "I can't believe I'm TRAINING! I've only been out for 3 months!!!!!!! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO???" But then they put our pictures on the screen and we hugged and I brought her to sit in our district and it was all good! She was wayyyyyyyyyy confused. hahahah Sister Ng went to Chiang Mai! Luckkkyyyyy! And Sister Barton is finishing up the training on the group that came before this last group in Udon. So she's half-training. Weird!

Me and Sister Downs!
Anyway, my new companion's name is Sister Downs. In Thai they pronounce it 'Dow' which is the word for star. She's Sister Star, and I'm Sister Sock. lol She's like... 4'11''- TINY. When we bought her bike she had to get a special short bike because she's so small. She's awesome! Turns out we both loves KPOP and cartoons. :DDDD

She had a really weird first week. Her group didn't get to go Dan Jonesing when they flew in because their flights were delayed. And then we spent all day Transfer day getting her bike and going to choir practice, and then Friday we spent all day at the concert, and Saturday all of our appointments fell through and then on Sunday we spent all day at the church because of meetings and a baptism! However, we've had a few opportunities to go Dan Jonesing, and it's been AWESOME! We found 3 new investigators in 2 days. The first time I took her Dan Jonesing, I gave her a Book of Mormon and was like, "I'm here to back you up but you're in charge of where we go and who we talk to." And she was like, "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..............." So we just started walking in a neighbhorhood and she kept saying, "I feel so lost! What are we doing!!!" I just smiled and kept walking. :) We passed a ton of people, but finally we came up on this food ran that two ladies were hanging out at. I was assuming that we would keep walking so I didn't even slow down, but then I heard a teeny, "Sawatdii kha!" from Sister Downs so we walked over and talked to them. Basically what happened is that one of the ladies converted to Christianity 3 years ago, keeps the Sabbath Day already, reads her Bible every day but has a son who wants to go to church somewhere closer. She goes way far out for church and doesn't know of any churches that would be closer, and she was thinking about it just as we passed by!So we gave her a Book of Mormon and got a return appointment. :) What an amazing first experience for Sister Downs!

Brother Eg!
Since then we've found 2 more potential investigators. I can tell that good things are going to happen in this companionship!

I'm trying really hard not to stress out. What happens happens and all I can do is be obedient and work hard. I'm trying to pray for miracles and expect them. So far it's been working out pretty well!

The concert was way fun! It was like, a legit concert, too. It was at a fancy venue and everything! The choir was terrible hahahahhaa We really needed more time to practice, but whatevssssss. Brother Eg, the rockstar from my branch performed... he's so good! He's also way more famous than I thought he was. Every one at the concert was singing along with him and girls were freaking out and being obnoxious. hahaha 

Beyond 5 :)

Beyond 5 was good. They're very cheesy and boy-bandy but I liked it! Maybe that's because I've only been listening to MoTab for the last 5 months....... I bought their album anyway. I get to listen to it in a year! :D

Hope all is well!

Sister Zaugg

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