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Monday, August 12, 2013

Thus ends my training....

What a week! It was the last week of this transfer, AND the end of my training. I'm no longer a greenie anymore!! I still feel like a greenie in a lot of ways, but Sis Reedy did a great job of forcing me to do uncomfortable things and learn how to lead and be a missionary! I feel fairly confident that I could do whatever the Lord asked me to do at this point. :) Speaking of which, on Saturday during companionship study I was like, "Hey, on Monday we're probably gonna find out if we're training" ('cause on Tuesday there's a big new trainers meeting). And she was like, "Oh yeah :O" And then I went to call a less active to make an appointment, but before I could press the call button, boop! Got an incoming call from President Senior!

This is basically how the conversation went:

"Hey President Senior! What a surprise to hear from you!"

"Hello! How's your training going?"

"It's great!"

"Great! You feel like you could train someone else?"

"Yeah, I could do it."

"Good, 'cause I'm, asking you to do it."

"Uhhh.... I accept!"

"Haha. Good. :)"

Yup! I'm training! I KNEW IT!! You know, 6 weeks ago I was way freaked out at the prospect of getting a greenie after JUST being a greenie, but I've grown a lot since then! My Thai is fair, my teaching is better, I have more confidence in the Lord and myself. It's great! But most of all, I just know that the Lord qualifies whom He calls, so I know that I can do it (it also helps that I'm staying in Don Muang). I'm only a month younger than Sis Reedy was when she got me! 

Speaking of Sis Reedy, she's training too!!! Again! And she's white washing! AGAIN!! Hahahahahahahhahaha When she found out she basically just screamed for 20 minutes. lol I know she can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Lord thinks so highly of her. Seriously. Every transfer he like.... turns up the heat on her a little bit. She keeps doing well, so he keeps giving her more!! hahah I'm so proud of her! My mee is awesome!

The new missionaries get here on Wednesday and transfer meeting is on Thursday, so next Monday I'll be a mom! YEAHH!!! I have a big 'ol list of things I want to be as a trainer and what I want to do as a trainer and how I want to improve and do better. :D It's gonna be great! I'm excited to stay in Don Muang. There was a week or two where I didn't want to stay 'cause I was way stressed out and sad about investigators and LA's, but I had an experience this week that really changed my views and my thoughts on missionary work and now I'm fine staying here for at least another 9 weeks!

Me and Sister Pannida!
That experience was going on switch-offs with the sisters from Pankheen. It was kind of random, but the sister training leaders asked us to do it. So I stayed in Don Muang and Sister Pannida, a khon thai from the Issan came and we were companions for a day! I learned SO much from her! She taught me to just love the people. Sometimes I get really caught up in worrying about the branch as a whole and wanting to get people to go to church to build up the branch so there can be a stake, so there can be a temple.... but after spending a day with Sister Pannida, I was reminded that this work is about individual's happiness and salvation. I just gotta love 'em and listen to them and the Spirit. If I love them sincerely and serve them sincerely, the Spirit will be able to touch them. I'm not here to convert them, the Spirit is! (Thanks Carrie :) ) She also taught me to not get too stressed out or have too many expectations. I can have the hope that these people will accept my message, but I can't like.... have all my happiness depend on whether or not this person who I think will change their lives is going to actually do it or not. It's a fine balance that I'm still trying to find. haha Anyway, I think the world of Sister Pannida! She dies in October, so we're not ever going to have a chance to be real companions! I'm sad. :( I want to learn more from her! 

Earlier this month Sis Reedy and I did NOT know who our baptism was gonna be!! But we knew we had to get one 'cause the AP's committed us to getting one, the Zone Leader's committed us, AND our District Leader committed us... so we knew we had to get it.... but all of our investigators were and are..... stuck. :I One day I was studying in the Book of Mormon... just trying to find out what we needed to do to, and I kept opening it up randomly and kept finding scriptures that said, "pray in faith". I was like... ".....oooookayyyyyyyyy....." So I did just that! I just prayed in faith. I just chose to believe that it would happen.

A few days later during long planning a member called us and asked if we were free to go teach her daughter. We paused planning and went and saw her and she accepted a date to be baptized this month!!!!!!!! She wants to change and is eager to learn. Basically she's free every day to meet, she's free every Sunday to go to church, and she loves reading the Book of Mormon!!!!!!!

I know that if we have a righteous desire and pray in faith Heavenly Father will answer our prayers. :)

Saturday was the kind of day that every missionary dreams of having. We taught ALL day! We only had 15 minutes to eat dinner IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then Sunday was great too! We got balanced key indicators again! AND there was a baptism! His name is Stephen. He's from Africa and plays football! ...Err.. I mean soccer. He's sooooo great! I had to interpret for some of the khon thais that attended.... It was SO HARD! Sis Reedy made me do it! I was so mad. I did ok. Anyway... Myheart was gonna try to make it to the baptism but got stuck in traffic. :( He totally missed it! But we taught him about the Word of Wisdom, and even thought he's way addicted to tea he said he'd quit!!! Yayyyyy : D He still isn't sure if the Book of Mormon is true or if the church is true 'cause he hasn't gotten an answer to his prayers yet, but I think part of it is cause he cant really feel the spirit ever cause of his snooker. :/ Plus he drinks an inordinate amount of tea, so we said that keeping the word of wisdom would help him feel the spirit more and get an answer easier!! 

So yeah. Things are good. Much better than last week. I was way stressed out last week. haha But I chose faith and things worked out alright!


Sister Zaugg

1 comment:

  1. You will be an amazing trainer! :) Your mission president is correct when following the Spirit to choose YOU! Keep up the great job you are doing. It's all about faith, hard work and loving the people. They really do know if you love them or not. :)
    Aunt Candace
