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Sunday, August 4, 2013

This transfer is almost overrrrrrrrrrrrr!


This one isn't Auytthiya....but it's a good
representation of Thailand. Somehow
Zebras are a sacred thing in Buddhism,
  'cause you see them EVERY WHERE.
Sometimes you'll bike down a street and
there will be like a group of 10 of them. 
I don't get it! This one is way big. haha
And there's a jungle and a random dog. Perfect! :)

Last P-Day my whole District went to Ayutthiya!! It's the old capital of Thailand, and has tons of ancient Buddhist wads (temples) and other random ruins. It's way touristy so we ran into a lot of farangs and it felt wayyyy weird. I'm not used to seeing so many white people!! The Thai people were way impressed that we could actually speak Thai. 

 Took the train to Ayutthiya!

We took the free train to get there and we sat ALLL over it. In the nice spot, in the section between the cars that has the steps to get on the train (the coolest part... you could just.... jump out if you wanted haha!) and then in the back where the workers sit. We just talked to them and had some interesting conversations. :)

Ruins at Ayutthiya!

Ayutthiya was cool! Saw a lot of wads that are 2,000+ years old. Lots of humongous Buddhas, too. Buddhism is way confusing, most Buddhist people don't really even know what they worship. There's like, random Hindu gods around that they wai and worship. Suuuper weird. I miss the temple so much. :( 


As for this week..... well, some Mormon band from Utah is coming next week, and Pres Senior asked my zone to sing at it. So we have choir practices like, 3 or 4 times a week now. The first time I was just gonna sit in the back and read while Sis Reedy and the others sang, but Bro Art (a member who is correlating all this) FORCED ME TO JOIN!!!!!!!! I was way not happy. He chose some really hard songs. :((((((( But, Pres Senior gave us permission to listen to recordings of the songs and that's helping. Some of the songs are actually pretty cool, and I'm not as grumpy about singing as I was. :) The rockstar in my branch is gonna sing at the concert, too. It's a pretty big deal, actually.

Mali has gone missing. She like.... stopped wanting to meet with us. She just didn't understand anything and was so involved with her debt and stress that she just cut us off. She wouldn't listen to us. At one point she promised us that she would go to church and pay her tithing so that she could get the help and blessings she needs, but then a couple days later she just disappeared. Sister Phaa can't get a hold of her... not even her sons. :((((((((((((((((((( We're praying for her safety. Sis Phaa is such a saint, too! She's taken over Mali's sausage stand and selling in her place to pay off her debt until she comes back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's so wonderful!!! We helped her put sausages on sticks and set up the stand one morning. She's way worried about her friend. Ahhhhhhhhh :(((((((

All of my investigators are pretty much stuck. They all either have school on Sundays or parents who are way against Christianity. It's wayyyyyyyyyyyyy not cool! Sometimes it's hard not to get depressed and wonder what we're even doing, or why we have all of these investigators who can't change their lives, but I know the Lord has called me here for a reason, so I try my hardest to press forward in faith. Joshua 1:9 has been a real comfort to me lately. :)

 Love my District!
Even though Sis Reedy and I aren't having much success, the District Leader and his companion are!! They had a baptism yesterday. Their investigator is named Britcha. I can't remember if I talked about him yet. He's this wayyyyyyyyyy old guy. He's super short and round and bald and doesn't have much teeth. He has the CUUUUTEST smile!! He just smiles so big and he loves the missionaries. He calls us "than" which is a way honorific word to use. You really don't use it at all. When the Elders were teaching him about how through the gospel we have true happiness and eternal life he kind of just paused for a little bit and was like "Well.... I really need true happiness. And I really need eternal life!" He's so boss. His testimony is amazing. LOVE HIM SO MUCH. So happy I got to see his baptism!

So yeah, nothing too crazy has happened this week. Still trying to help investigators learn more and find a way to go to church.... 

Onward! Ever onward! 

Next week is transfers AGAIN. Whoa. Sometime I'll be finding out if I'm training and/or being transferred. Suuuuuuuper crazy! Where even does the time go?

Sister Zaugg

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