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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Hello, Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I'll start with the best news! We had another baptism! It kinda sprung on us, actually. Last week during weekly planning we decided to make a goal for zero baptisms this week because we had no investigators that had been to church enough times to be baptized... but I had an impression to make a goal for one baptism. We talked about it but in the end still set it for zero. But then on Monday we were talking to one of our investigators who is always causing drama and we never really know what to do with him, but on Monday he said, "SISTERS. I will be baptized on the 15th for sure with Gift!" And we were like... "WHAAAA?" Gift is an investigator who has been around longer than Sis Hughes. She's 14 and has wanted to be baptized since the beginning of this year, but her parents were making her wait for her 15th birthday, so we were expecting to not ever see her baptized since she had to wait for February and we would both have moved by then. So we called her and were like, "You can get baptized?!?!?!?!" And she was like, "Yeah!" And we were like, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US." So we were like, why have her wait for the 15th! Let's get her baptized this week!

Her baptism was awesome! She got baptized with 4 other people. Every companionship in the district had a baptism on Sunday. Awesome! Before Gift went into the font she was super excited!!!! She kept saying, "Finally!" I almost cried when she was in the font- I was just SO happy for her. She's been waiting for this for so long, and she finally got to do it. :))))))))))) Happy day!

OK So now for the next best news: we have the best new investigator in the whole world. 

Two Thursdays ago we went to visit Sister Ooy, the lady who has no money and a crazy mom who won't let her work. Every time we go out that way Sis Hughes and I get SO mad! The mom is absolutely nuts and can't be reasoned with. She never leaves her house and just watches the news and sees how there are riots in certain parts of the country and thinks that the whole country is like this, so she wont let her daughter go out and work.... which means they have no money for food. It's always very hopeless and super annoying whenever we go. 

We found a Santa with a sax..... Huh. 
So we were heading back from that on a song thew pretty ticked. It was crowded 'cause it was rush hour and we were surrounded by a bunch of teenage school boys. One of them heard Sis Hughes speaking Thai and was like, "You speak Thai??" And they had a conversation. He said his name was Les and turns out he recently converted to Christianity and was curious about where our church was. Also, important note: he had purple glasses on. hahahahah She told him that we were stopping at the church and invited him to go with us. He smiled and was like, "Oh... uh. That's OK." BUT When we got to our stop.... he got off with us!!!!!! So we took him to the church and taught him the Restoration. In the end we told him he needed permission from his guardians to keep learning. He was like, "Well... my parents are Muslim... so I don't live with them anymore. I live at a church and the pastor is my guardian. I'll have to ask him."

 We were like DOY! So we invited him to come again and waved good bye thinking, "Well, we're never gonna see this kid again." Christians here are pretty anti-mormon.

The next day was Zone Conference.... and at the end when we were going to our various interviews, GUESS who was at the church? LES. I would recognize those purple glasses anywhere! We were like, "You came back!!!!!!!!!!!" And he was like, "Yeah, my pastor said I could check out your church!" We were like, "Sweet!" So we've taught him almost every day since then. He came to church two Sundays ago, but was like, "I can't come again cause I have to go to my church." He had a lot of questions and we really had to study the Bible and Book of Mormon together to answer them. He had some doubts at first, but he kept saying, "God lead me to this place, so I need to keep studying." ....But then a few days later we were teaching him and he was like, "BTW I can come to church every week now cause I left my church and moved into my uncle's house. I know it's true." 

Yeah. Also, he was like, "sisters.... why do I have to wait 3 months to be baptized (it's a rule that kids under 16 have to come to church for 3 months straight before baptism)? What if Jesus comes TOMORROW?! I have to be ready!! I think He's coming soon." So we asked Pres Senior and he cut it down by 2/3's so Les can be baptized on the 22nd! He's still really antsy, though. Haha Yesterday at church he was looking at a painting of Moses ordaining Aaron as a priest and I was telling him how he'll get the priesthood after he's baptized. His eyes got SO big and he said in Thai, what could only be translated into English as: "Oh that next week were the 22nd!!!"

Les and Khaw
What an amazing kid! He has become best friends with the Elders' recent convert, Khaw, the kid who has basically the exact same story. They are just the biggest turds together. They chase each other around and always have their arms around each other. GAH. Sis Hughes and I can't handle it.  One day after teaching Les, we got a call from the Elders saying to go to the Pakistani's house cause they invited the whole district to go for dinner. So we got on a song thew with both Khaw and Les cause they live out that direction. Les got off at his stop, but khaw was like, "Sisters, where are you going?" "Uhh... to a Pakistani's house." "Oh. I'll go with you." "Khaw, they don't speak Thai." "It's OK. I'll protect you from the cars. :)" LOL So we showed up at their apartment with this little Thai kid. We were like, "Uhhh... Hey we brought Khaw too. :V"

Next week our investigator, Dear gets baptized! She's 17 years old and the cutest person in the whole world. She is SUPER excited for her baptism. We are too!

So basically right now we're just baptizing all of the high schools in Thailand. haha! We're hoping to find some adult investigators soon... The ones we keep finding don't stay around for very long. :/

Me drawing in a park.
One more story! A couple days ago we decided to go to the airport to visit Jeep, who has been working SO much and we only get to see her on Sundays. So we went to go surprise her.... well, that was the worst idea we've had since the wad fiasco. Turns out the Thai airport is the STUPIDEST place in the whole world!! It is so hard to find anywhere there!!!! Their escalators are not systematic at all. Some go up, some go down, and sometimes you just can't find any that are going the right direction that aren't blocked by guards. And then the elevators don't even go to all of the floors and it's sooooooooooo confusing. Eventually we made it up to the 4th floor where the Dairy Queen that Jeep works at is. It was then that we realized that the Dairy Queen is in a place that's restricted only to those with boarding passes! ARGHHHHHHHHhhhh We called her to let her know that we were there and she felt good that we at least had made the effort to go see her. lol

Sitting on the floor cause my back hurts.
After that we tried to find the Krispy Kremes that was supposedly on the second floor.... but it took forever to even get to the second floor, and eventually we just gave up, got Subway and went home defeated.  The taxi driver on the way home asked us if we our sandwiches were good and asked if we wanted to try the leaf that he was eating. It was literally a leaf that he had picked off a tree and was eating. We were like, "uhhh... no thanks...." hahaha On Sunday an investigator's dad brought krispy Kremes so we still got to eat a donut! Yayyy :)

This is Sister Hughes' last week in Saphaansung! This weekend we're going to be in Asoke doing the big choir thing, so we're gonna have to work really hard to get balanced key indicators!

Things are great! Being a missionary is awesome. Especially when it's in Thailand. :)

Sis Zaugg

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