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Sunday, December 15, 2013


My fourth transfer ended a day ago. Sister Hughes and I are SHOCKED. We were literally just taking pictures together with a roll of toilet paper... and now on Wednesday we have to say good bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This has truly been a transfer of miracles. SO MANY THINGS. For me the biggest miracle was the change in myself. I was kind of broken when I got to Saphaansung. I had no confidence in myself, and was beginning to lose confidence in the work and the Lord. But coming here and being put with Sis Hughes, who was kind of broken herself.... it changed us. I don't know what it was- but we worked so. hard. We threw everything from past transfers away and started over. And we hit our inflection points! I baptized people! I never thought I would say that. We keep finding people who are prepared of the Lord, and it's changing the ward. The older members are catching the spirit, and so is the mission.

Saphaansung started something in that mission. Our district has been baptizing every week, and have gotten balanced key indicators every week. President Senior saw that and started spreading it. The the training video that we were in came out and President Senior made a goal for ever companionship in the mission to get one baptism in the month of november. The goal was for 86 baptisms and we got 110. YEAH! That hasn't happened in.... who knows when! The whole mission is changing. Before the expectation was to get a few baptisms in your mission, but President Senior has had enough of that. He's set a goal for January to get 200 baptisms. The whole Asia Area has never hit more than 160. And you know what? We're gonna do it! The Lord is hastening His work. Man. I get chills thinking about all this! And it all started in our District (really it started with Elder Campbell and we just followed suit)

 I just want you to see these
magnificent old men.
 I can't handle it.
They're such good friends!
There's a lot of pressure on Sis Hughes and I, now. haha We're kinda leading the sisters right now and paving the way. It means there's a target on our back, but as one of our Zone Leader's said: "It's good. We want to keep it that way." I'm not really sure why I was chosen to be a part of this, but it's an honor. I'm going to keep it up! I'm excited to see what happens in the future.

This week we were in Asoke a looooot because we were a part of a big Christmas production. We were there from Thursday to Saturday pretty much. It was fun! We still managed to teach 13+ lessons and get a few new investigators. 16 year old Thai girls went to town on our faces with makeup and we were pretty scary looking... but every one else seemed to like it. haaha It was a major blessing to be there, because a lot of my favorite members from Don Muang came to see it, and Baw, my investigator who got baptized after I left was there!!!!!!!!!!! I was so happy. What an amazing Christmas gift. :)

Dear's baptism!!
On Sunday our investigator Dear was baptized! She was so excited. Afterwards she just cried on Sis Hughes' shoulder for a couple minutes cause she was so sad that she's leaving. I'm sad too!! I love Sis Hughes so much, I'm going to miss her. A lot. 

So I got to pick up my packages on Thursday! We had some time before the practice in Asoke so we went to the office. We went into the office elder's office where they normally keep the mail. We were like, "Hey... can we look through the packages?" They laughed and said, "Heheh There's a whole room of them upstairs." They took us to a room that had a giant table with 200+ packages stacked on it. They said, "Good luck!" And left. LOL We spent a half hour unpiling it all and piling it again. But we found them!

In other news, at English meeting last night Sister Hughes randomly decided to tell the entire Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer story and didn't realize what she was doing until the very end. LOL We all died laughing. I said, "Funny thing about that was we were all listening." Elder Engle said, "It was like when an investigator talks... you just wait until it's your turn." LOL I hope he was kidding. :P

Anyway, things are great! Miracles are happening and the Lord is preparing Thailand... and the whole Asia Area for amazing things!

Sis Zaugg

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