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Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Helloooooo every one!

Well, big news: I GOT MOVED. AGAIN.

It was actually way sad. On Monday the AP's called and told us that we were both training and that Sis Hughes was moving. I was way glad that I wasn't, cause we had a ton of investigators that I didn't want to leave and I just love Saphaansung SO much. BUT THEN. On Tuesday we went to District Meeting and the Zone Leaders said that they had urgent news: "Sister Zaugg is moving too." I said, "Haha." And they said, "No seriously." 


I was pretty ticked at first. I didn't want to accept that I was leaving. PLUS Some one was like, "Hey, maybe you'll go to Paangnaa" And I was like, "NOOOOO. I want to stay here!" 

The ward put on this way nice going away party for all the moving missionaries, and then afterwards we went out to ice cream with Phloy and Jeep. THAT was hard. Every one was so shocked that we were both leaving  and were all crying and super sad! It took everything I had to not cry. But then I just gave in as we were riding home on our bikes and just cried for like an hour straight as I hung up all my laundry. I kept saying: "I don't want to go to Paangnaa!" So I had to rush pack in time for transfers meeting on Wednesday.

Also, there was a girl who was supposed to be in my MTC group but didn't come because she got engaged (hence the reason why we were a trio) but news got around that she called off the engagement and was coming to Thailand!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone was speculating who would train her. I thought it would be funny if I trained her, because we were supposed to come together.

Well, guess where I moved to and who my new companion is.

So here I am next to sister Adams, who was gonna be in my MTC group in Paangnaa. lol

I've really come to terms with it now. I know that this was a calling from the Lord. This area really needs missionaries that believe that it can be just as good as Saphaansung. It's gonna take a lot of work, but SIs Adams is AMAZING. She is so excited for the work. I took her contacting on the first day and was like, "So you can follow me or you can split off and do your own thing. It's up to you." And she just ran off and got 4 numbers! She's brilliant! She pushes me to be better. We're going to do amazing things here in Paangnaa! So far it's been pretty slow since we white washed in and there weren't really any investigators from before.... but it'll start picking up in no time. It was slow in Saphaansung in the beginning, too. It's just a matter of time!

So yeah! It doesn't really feel like Christmas to me. It just feels like any other day. Thailand doesn't celebrate Christmas. Tonight we're gonna go caroling and visit some members so that'll be fun. :) It's a privilege to be spending Christmas the way the Savior would. It's a rare experience.

Well, I hope every one has a WONDERFUL Christmas! Remember why we celebrate it and try to do something good for someone else (besides giving a gift)! It'll make the day that much better. I promise. :) 

Loooovvvvveeee y'all!

Sis Zaugg

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