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Sunday, February 9, 2014

I went back to Saphaansung!

Before you get confused, transfers isn't for another week. I just got to go on switch offs with my sister training leader who happens to be in Saphaansung! Sis Adams was wayyyyyyyyyy nervous, because she knew that she was gonna stay in Pangna with the sister that she was companions with in the MTC and was afraid that they would both get totally lost and not be able to do anything. But I knew that she's a way better missionary than she gives herself credit for, and she and Sis Holmes did GREAT! They saw a lot of miracles and Sis Adams really learned to trust herself and the Spirit. I say it was a successful switch off. :) As for me, it was pretty weird being back in Saphaansung. It didn't feel the same anymore! It was like... still Saphaansung... but.... it wasn't my area anymore. By the end of the day I was ready to get back to Pangna. I really felt peaceful with the fact that I moved to Pangna. I'm supposed to be here. I think that was a real blessing. I learned that where we are called is where we're supposed to be.

On Wednesday Sis Adams threw up AGAIN. So on Thursday we went to the hospital to get her checked out. That was an interesting experience. I think we were lucky and found a nice hospital. It was nice and clean and orderly. haha They said that she probably has an infection or something that's making her stomach really irritated so when she eats things that are hard to digest, her body just ejects it. They told her to avoid anything spicy or fried for awhile. That's great. That's just about all of Thai food. hahahaha ......Yeah. Eating has been an interesting activity lately. 

So this week something has been up with Noon, the girl who got baptized a long time ago. She was supposed to meet with us on Friday but never showed up! And no one can get ahold of her..... so on Saturday we decided to go find her at her house. We ended up going on the biggest goose chase EVER. We found a whole other part of Pangna that we didn't even know exists behind the big mall that we always contact at. We asked a bunch of motor taxi people for directions, none of them actually knew anything so we just wandered around for a really long time. At one point we had to go through a chinese temple to get to the other side of a road. It was way cool! It was SUPER colorful and ornate and was built over a pretty pond/stream. We had to walk through a hall which had big bells hanging on each side all the way down the whole stretch. Old people were walking through it with big sticks in their hands just whacking the bells as they passed them. It was REALLY loud, but REALLY cool. haha! Eventually we asked a postman who told us to take a song thew to the post office where they could look up her address for us. The song thew dropped us off at the post office... which was CLOSED. But the gate wasn't closed all the way over the glass doors, and we could see that there was a light on inside so we just crouched down and knocked on the glass a bunch until a guy came out. We asked him to help us and he said that we were at the WRONG POST OFFICE. But he was nice and called the right one for us and drew a map of where we should go to get to the general area of her house.

See, here's the problem. Thai addresses are the worst. Ever. They'll tell you which area you should go, but a lot of times you just have to know which neighborhood they live in, because the one they put down isn't actually the name of where they live... it's just what the locals know it as. So unless you ask the right person, it's almost impossible to find. Yesterday we got a member to take us in her truck to try to find Noon's house according to the map that the post office guy drew for us. Eventually we found the neighborhood.... but that was just half the battle. Next we had to find her house. Here's where it gets even MORE frustrating: Thai house numbers don't go in order. the house 75/2 can be between the houses 43/4 and 99/1. THERE IS NO ORDER HERE. We just had to wander around and ask people where the house was! Eventually we found it... but no one lives there anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 

Soooo.... we're scratching our heads trying to figure out how to find this girl. We felt a little miffed that we wasted so much time trying to find a house that wasn't even right.... but in the end, we left the 99 to find the 1. We showed Heavenly Father how much we love her and  what we're willing to do to help her! I think we'll be able to get a hold of her. We just gotta keep praying. hahaha

Basically this week we're starting over from scratch! We only have one or two investigators, so we just gotta go out and find the elect! We have quite a bit of work cut out for us. haha

I'm trying not to think about the fact that transfers in next week or the fact that President recently said that I wouldn't be in Bangkok for much longer. Yikes!

Hope you all have a fabulous week!

Sis Zaugg

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