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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

You'll never believe what happened this transfer...... (Picture Heavy Post)

WAHHHHHHH OK. There is a lot to talk about in this email. I'll try my best to use grammar that makes sense, but warning: lots of caps will be used.

[First we will start with Sister Zaugg's zoo pictures.]

Mwa! They sucked on my face...
it was kinda gross. lol

They were sillyyyyyyyyyyy

 My beautiful companion, Sis Adams!

"Sup." "Hey." "Hello." "Wuddup."

Such loooooong tongues!


Last P-Day after going to the zoo, we got a call from our District Leader. He said. "Hey! We have transfers! Sister Adams is moving!" I repeated it out loud and Sis Adams gave the most BLOOD CURDLING scream that I've ever heard. She scared the people walking infront of us out of there pants! hahahahahaha Then E. Bennett said, "Just kidding! Sis Zaugg is moving." And then Sis Adams just yelled, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The people in front of us just DIED. So did I! We all had to sit down we were laughing so hard. Sis Adams was just mad at E. Bennett for scaring her! hahahhahaha She was way sad and nervous that I was leaving, but I knew that she's totally capable of leading the area! She's the only one staying because E. Bennett went going home and E. Wahl got transferred out, too! She's so awesome. She'll do great. Best trainee ever!! I was sad to leave Pangna. I REALLY loved it there! Especially the members. They fed us pizza and spaghetti on Wednesday night. It broke my heart to say goodbye! But I had felt for a while that I was moving, so I just had to accept it.

So I knew I was leaving Bangkok, because I've been there my whole mission and usually you don't stay 9 months in one area of the country (there are 3: Bangkok, the North, and the Isaan). I was pretty sure that I was going to the Isaan. I had a feeling it would either be Korat or Royet. 

So transfers started and they called all of the Bangkok areas and I wasn't called to any of them, so I knew for surethat  I was leaving Bangkok! Sis Barton was called to Pangna with Sis Adams!!!! I'm excited for them. I know they're gonna do great. It was kinda confusing though, because when they called her they had her picture on the screen but my name. But was clarified that it was Sis Barton going to Pangna. haha

Then they started called all the areas in the North. I got nervous because I've actually decided that I don't want to serve in the North... I'd rather just go visit sometime. haha Sis Reedy got moved from Lampang to Chiang Mai. This is her last transfer! She's dying in Chiang Mai, just like her trainer and her trainer's trainer! That isn't good news for me......... But they called all the North areas and I still hadn't been called so I knoew I wasn't going to the North.... which means I was going to the Isaan!!!!

So then they started calling all the different zones. Korat and Royet are in the Khon Kaen zone. They called all the areas.... but not Royet! Like.... they forgot! I started to wonder if because my name got messed up with Pangna, maybe they also messed up Royet and I actually WAS going to Royet! They called the Ubon zone.... and I still wasn't called! All was left was the Udorn zone. The only area there that has sisters is Udorn so I knew then that it was either Udorn or or Royet. They called all the udorn sisters... and it wasn't me! So I was like, "YESSS!!! Royet!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


All of a sudden my name was one the screen with the words: Nong Khai over it.

I got called to open Nong Khai.

NONG KHAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nong Khai is on the border of Laos. It's a teeny little town that EVERY ONE wants to go to. Especially sisters because Nong Khai has never been opened for sisters before. And now it's open...... and I'm opening it. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I think I almost passed out right there and then. I was shaking for soooo long afterwards. EVERYONE was freaking out! My new companion's name is Sis Maughan. She's only on her 3rd transfer and was just in Udorn. So I'm glad that we're together because she knows how to get around the Isaan.............. I feel pretty useless here. lol!

Other big news: Myanmar is now opened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is historic! The first proselyting missionaries ever have been placed there. The Lord's work is truly hastening.

Also. I got called as Sister Training Leader. That's the sister version of a Zone Leader. @_@

Taking a bus to Udorn! It was way nice.
 I could almost kind of sleep on it!
So basically after transfers we got on a bus for 9 hours to Udorn where we spent the night there with the sisters. Then we got on another bus for another hour to Nong Khai! We haven't really done much else besides looking for a house............... They didn't have one for us. That has been a nightmare. We think we've found one so hopefully we get the OK to move in today! Then we can actually get to work. We haven't even started contacting yet!

 'Kay... story time. We got to Udorn at 5:00 AM. 
We got off the bus and they threw all our stuff off of the bus. 
And then 3 little Tuk Tuk's came screeching 
around a corner and pulled up in front of us. 
A bunch of tuk tuk guys shoved all of our stuff 
into the tuk tuks and then shoved us on them..... 
It was probably one of the more sketchier 
things I've done. 

Also, on the bus to Udorn they advertised Man Some like CRAZY.
So of course when we got here we had to try some.
It's like grape/apple juice.... I'd buy it again!

Isaan country...............
Basically the Isaan looks like Bangkok but with more jungle and less buildings. The streets are less torn up, too. Nong Khai is so little and cute! We're right on the river between Thailand and Laos, so we can see Laos right form the house that we found! We don't have a real church here, it's in a building. The Branch President is a BOSS and the members are amazing. I love it here already! Also, I think it'll be cooler over here because we're so close to the river. Yesssssssss There's a lot of work for us here to do......... We need to get an area book going..... we need to find investigators............. I'm not really sure how contacting is gonna go because there aren't that many people around. hahaha BUT We will find people and it's gonna be GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO PUMPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A member took us to a way cool place this morning!

So yeah!! I feel a little scared and overwhelmed... I've never opened an area.... and have never been in the Isaan... and have to figure this all out plus be the Sister Training Leader. Oh dear. It's a big call, but if the Lord thinks I can do it.... then that must mean I can do it!

First step is to get back in shape so that I can keep up with Sis Maughan on my bike. hahahaha 

Have a great week! I'm excited to see what mine has in store. :)

Sis Zaugg


  1. Sister Zaugg, I'm soooo glad you are having a blast in Esann!!! MISS YOU!

    - Wi (Donmuang)

  2. Now I must get out a current map and figure out where you are!! What an exciting week you had. The zoo looked so fun - actual contact with the animals> Wish we could do that! We always remember the missionaries (YOU) in our prayers and know that the blessings you receive will be many. Do you eat American food or what is the local cuisine like? Anything you need? Let me know. Love you, Aunt (well, GREAT Aunt --) (that's great as in "older" not Bigger) Annette

  3. It has been awesome following you on your mission. Barry has a book on the Issan and I am going to look up where you are. Best wishes in your proselyting. Uncle Paul and Aunt Jan.

  4. SOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU!! I visited Nong Khai, but never got to stay. You're making me mission sick!
