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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Transfer.... OVER???????????????????

Me and one of my favorite girls!!! Loog Mii!
Hey fam and friends! This transfer officially ended on Sunday. ....Whut. We have no idea what's gonna happen at transfer meeting! Am I moving? Is Sis Adams moving? Are we BOTH moving?? You never know with Pres Senior!

A lot happened this week! I'll try to sum it all up for you:

Last Monday we met and taught this guy named Pet (in Thai that means diamond). He's awesome!!!!!!!! He used to be a drug dealer but cleaned up his act and is interning at a hospital now. He's only 22 and is the littlest, sweetest guy on the planet. You would never guess that he used to be into the darker arts, minus the fact that he has some pretty gnarly scars on his arms and face.  But yeah. He really wants to be cleansed from his sins 'cause he feels pretty guilty. He came to church on Sunday and is getting baptized this coming Sunday! He's so awesome!!

A cute old lady wearing a helmet. haha
We contact here a lot!
On Wednesday we taught this one guy named Tee............ that was interesting. Basically he just wanted to prove why Buddhism is more true than Christianity. :I It ended up being a battle between him and the member we brought. I would try to wrap up the lesson by bearing testimony, but then he would ask a stupid question to combat it and then the member would argue back and then I'd try again and it would happen again! Ughhhhhhhhhh. Although, I did learn something from that lesson. So, Thii had a problem with the fact that he can't prove that God exists (Buddhism supposedly claims to not believe in a God... even though they still worship Gods....), and wouldn't accept that through the Book of Mormon and Bible, with prayer he can receive an answer from God that He's there. And he kept like... ranting about how Buddha had so much awesome power and all this weird stuff that he supposedly did, so we were like, "Well, how do you know that Buddha did all that if you've never seen him before?" and then he said that when Buddha was cremated his bones were pink, and so that's why he believes in Buddha. "Why do you believe that?"  "....Because two other religions after that accepted Buddha's teachings." ......OK. 

But then the member asked a question that really made me ponder. She asked, "And how does the knowledge that Buddha's bones were pink affect your life?" He just kinda sat there and couldn't really give a good answer.

We eat too much icecream...
but it makes us 
And then I was filled with so much peace and joy as I testified: "I know by the power of the Holy Ghost that Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrected on the third day. This knowledge affects me because I know that someday I'll be resurrected, too, and will be able to live with my family forever!"

It was then that I realized just how true and important the Gospel is!!!!!!! Like, yeah, Thii learns good things from Buddhism.... but in the end it doesn't give him the peace, hope, joy, and comfort that the Gospel of Jesus Christ offers. The general goal of Buddhism is to live a good life so that when you die you'll disappear into nothingness. ???? NOOOO!!! The goal of life is to be good and be happy so that you can have happiness with the people you love for all eternity!!!! 

It was then that I truly came to understand the lyrics: "Oh sweet, the joy this sentence gives: I know that my Redeemer lives."

Sai made us dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On Saturday we taught Sai about temples... and then afterwards she pulled out these two handmade dolls that she stitched herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were us!!!!!!!!!!! She paid SO MUCH attention to details!!!!!!!!!! Like..... how we do our hair, what kind of clothes we like... everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH We died. They were so perfect. SHE is so perfect!!! She had scars on her fingers from making them! She said that she's completely changed after being baptized. That her family is weirded out at how much of a different person she is (they dunno that she got baptized... haha). She made those dolls over a course of 3 weeks to thank us for introducing her to the Gospel. :,) Sis Adams and I decided that if the only reason we came to Pangna was for Sai.... it was worth it. LOVE HER!!!!!!!

Sunday was a day of miracles! We had 4 investigators at church! And then after church we decided to go find Noon ONE LAST TIME. We've tried twice now to no avail. BUT we called her mom and got her real address, so we set out to find our little lost sheep once more! We wandered around for SOOOOOOOO LOOOOOOOOONG. We supposedly found the right street.... but none of the house numbers were even close to hers! We walked back and forth asking every one and there dog for like an hour and a half. Finally we prayed... and this family came up to us and suggested to us that we try up back the buddhist temple.... so we thought, "Why the heck not??" so we walked up there, asked a bunch of drunk temple people who called Noon's mom, stuck us in a taxi and led the taxi literally 200 feet down the street to the right neighborhood. lol....... There we were urged to sit on a bench and wait for the mom to come out and bring us to her house. The whole neighborhood came out and showed us their babies, and this one super old lady sitting on a tiny stool with 3 teeth just yelled at us the whole time. Finally we thought to mention her last name and though whole village just ERUPTED. They were like, "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO BEFORE?!?!?!?" and they all rushed us like, 10 feet over to this old shack where a shirtless man with one arm came running out. We were like, "Uhhh... do you know Noon?" and he was like, "Yeah! NOON!" and Noon came out! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. WE FOUND HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's doing alright. Her dad has been way sick so she had to take him to the hospital like every day for the past 2 weeks, and she dropped her phone in the toilet so had no way to contact us.... haha......... So we will have to work on getting her back to church, but at least she's OK!! And we FOUND her!!!!!!!!!!! What a miracle!!
Sometimes we eat chicken
cheetos and candy bars
outside of 7/11 and,
chill with the 
soi dogs.

So that was my week. It was awesome!! Hope you all have a good week! It's possible that next Monday I'll be in Isaan which is the back country of Thailand!!

Sis Zaugg

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