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Monday, June 2, 2014

There Can Be Miracles.........

This week seemed soooooooo looooooong. We either baptized or dropped all of our investigators and taught a grande total of one lesson this week. hahahaha This always happens at least once in a transfer, though, so I tried not to get too stressed out. It was actually kinda nice to turn a fresh page and start over. It also gave us an opportunity to use our faith to produce miracles!

By Saturday evening we realized that we didn't have anyone committed to going to church on Sunday, so we fasted as a companionship that we would somehow have investigators at church and that we would get 10 new potential investigators. On Sunday we had 5 investigators at church and got 6 potential investigators. MIRACLES!!! Three of the 5 were walk-ins, one was a guy that Sis Stewart invited, and the last was a friend of a member. Here's another cool thing: one is from Africa, and another from Liverpool. We're going for international this week, apparently. hahaha!

Anyway, so that was a really cool answer to prayer. God really is aware of His missionaries. :)

Not much else happened this week..... We had another MLC down in Bangkok................ Yup. 

Last P-Day we went to a member's farewell dinner. She's entering the MTC tomorrow in Provo! She's going to Australia! Sister Aom... she's sooo cute! Anyway, when we got to her house an old lady who communicated through grunts and squeals dragged us inside and there on a blanket on the floor was the smallest human being I've ever seen. Her name also happened to be Aom. Aom is 13 years old, and has some kind of a disease. Her arms and legs are stick thin, and she can't speak, but she can communicate by shaking her head and smiling. She had the most beautiful eyes! They had us stretch out her arms and legs to keep the muscles from getting stuck, because her muscles are always contracted. We all fell in love with her instantly! We sang her hymns and helped her muscles relax. It broke my heart that she has to endure this physical trial, but it made me happy that she has family that loves her and takes good care of her.

Sooo yeah! Hopefully with the start of June will come some more interesting stories to tell. Sorry I don't have more to share! It's been pretty quiet over here in Udorn.


Sorry I send so many pictures of the sky, but it is downright gorgeous out here. I looooove it!

Sis Zaugg

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