photo sisterzaugg.gif

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Just gotta roll with the punches

Learned how to make som tum!
Watch out family, I'm gonna make it for you
and you're gonna LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We just keep getting punched in the gut over here in Udorn. Stew got a really bad fever while I was on a switch off in Nongkhai that took her out for a couple days, so we didn't get a lot done this week. Plus we decided to drop all of our investigators AGAIN and start over.

I'm afraid to say that there isn't much to report on this week.

The switch off in Nongkhai was fun! I was with Sis Barber, who reminds me so much of Amy it was surreal. haha She and Sis Downs have been having a fairly similar experience as ours out there in Nongkhai, so we decided to try switching things up and bike out into the boonies to go out inviting. In the end we had sore bums, intense tan lines and no numbers, but I think it was worth it. 

Ridin' out in the boonies
You can't not try new things for fear of failure. We failed pretty hard that day, but at least now we know that inviting out that way isn't worth it! Now she and Sis Downs can go explore different places and hopefully find those prepared people that they maybe wouldn't have met otherwise. :) 

It says,
"The consequences of sin are DEATH."
My sweet new tanline

That switch off actually was a blast to the past of my greenie days. We did a lot of inviting people outside of their homes and at the end of the day it POURED and all of Nongkhai flooded. I was like, "wait.... am I on the border of Laos, or am I in Don Muang?" hahah

A guy that sells mattresses

Earlier on in the week we finally got Sister Pawn to take us to a member's house that we've been trying to visit for a looooong time. When we got there the member just went on and on and on about her job for Amway. The whole time I was thinking, "Like..... Amway Scamway?" I'm not sure if it's the same, but it certainly sounds like the same company. hahaha I was wayyy confused. But she loves her job there and it takes good care of her family, so maybe it's not the same?

So uhhh.... yeah! I'll throw in some pictures to make this email worth reading. 

A member here sells ice cream
and he pulled up to the church
 during district meeting, so we all
bought ice cream from him. Yummmm!

There's a bulletin board in the church
with pictures of every member from Udorn
that's been a missionary. This is my fav picture.
Check out his sweet fat tie.

A reeeeeaaally long broom in the Nongkhai church.
I hope you all are living life and have a splendiferous time! Have a great week.

Sis Zaugg

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