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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hold to the rod....

Saturday evening we went contacting
at a festival and for our break we rode
the ferris wheel! Wheeeee
Every week the missionaries teach a Book of Mormon class to the recent converts to help them start reading the scriptures regularly. This week was Sis Stewart's and my turn to teach 1 Nephi chapter 8. We took it upon ourselves to make the BEST activity EVER and do our own "Lehi's Vision". I remembered how when I was 16 the Oregon City Stake did that big, "The Quest" youth conference, and they did a "Lehi's Vision" activity where they had an iron rod that lead to the tree of life and you had to follow it blind-folded and if you let go you had to go to the "repentence room" and learn about Christ and His Atonement before you could go back to the iron rod. So we decked out one of the trees in the church's yard with twinkly lights and hung mango stein from the branches, and had the Elders be the tempters to get people to let go of the rod. hahahha It was really fun, and in the the end I think the members really liked it. Score 1 for team Zauggwart!

This week we went to the hospital twice! But this time it was visiting other people. The first time was to go visit Bro.Tom's dad. His dad has been really sick lately and he asked if we would go visit him to lift and encourage him. Well, Tom's dad is actually the lord of a Buddhist temple and so we had to go to a "special" hospital only for monks. We had to take our shoes off to go in and the rooms were lined with beds of sick monks wearing the yellow robes and sleeping on yellow bedding. haha It was pretty awkward, we didn't know what the customs were to address or interact with a monk so we just stood there and smiled encouragingly. Later Tom said that his dad was really happy that we saw him and started to eat again so I guess it was well worth the visit! lol

We had to translate for the Seniors
during a leadership training, but
it ended up that we spent most
of the time baby-sitting this crazy
little munchkin.
The second time was to go visit Bro Udom and his family at the hospital. Udom is the man who got baptized after he had a heart attack. He was having heart troubles again so we took some priesthood holders to give him a blessing at the hospital. He was at a government hospital and boy was it gross. They crowd so many people into one room and the hallways are all out-doors and dogs are wandering about and it's pretty sketch. But Udom is feeling better and back at home with a charge from the doctor to lose weight! haha
She was still wearing the ponytail
at church the next day.

After church we were following Sis Guulaap
home on her sweet little red wagon. The wagon's
battery started to die so we decided
to keep following her to make sure she made
it home safe and sound. lol
Our miracle this week is that we have an investigator! He's an older man named Sii Thai that Stewart found at nong prajak. He's super sweet and likes the church and he laughs like this: "Tee hee hee c:" He's got a goal to be baptized this Sunday!

This is Stewart's last full week as a missionary. I can't believe how dead she is! I hope we can make it a good week!

Love you all!

Sis Zaugg

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