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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Happy 4th!

The fruit salad!
How was everyone's 4th of July? Mine was soooooo good! For lunch we had a classic BBQ at the Browns' with burgers and dogs and fruit salad and root beer! Sis Stewart and I decided to keep some Thai spirit in the occasion by making the fruit salad out of Thai fruits. It was really fun, and REALLY delicious. :)

Fruit shopping!
Pineapple truck in Nongkhai.

George's fam bam!
The best part of the 4th was the fact that we got to visit George's family at his house! His wife comes down to Udorn on the weekends, so we thought it would be a good opportunity to meet her and invite her to church. When we got there there was George, his wife, their two adorable kids, and George's parents. George's dad came out of his bedroom and sat down in front of us. He can't really see or hear, and he has a short memory, but we were able to hold a conversation with him! He can read and speak some English so we told him where we're from, how old we are, and that we're missionaries. He was soooooo excited! In very slow English he said, "I.... am...... very GLAD.... that..... you.... come to.... my......... HOUSE!" hahahah He said this probably like 20 times. Sooooooo sweet! He's 92 years old. That is SO old for a Thai man. Sooooo old. Hahahahah George's fam bam is so stinkin' cute. They're a real family! They take care of each other and love each other! You don't see a lot of those in Thailand.

AT MLC these two guys were there
to get set apart as missionaries!
Members from Saphaansung!
Bro Boss (left) is literally the most
Chirst-like person I've ever met here.
He will be amazing. Bro Jet (right)
is Sis Stewart's RC and is a total punk.
 I think he'll benefit a lot from a mission.
haha I'm so excited to serve with them!!!
This week was just full of ups and downs. The family that we taught and baptized our first week here's mom met with us almost every day this week. We taught her everything and she was really excited to get baptized this Sunday. She even brought her aunt to learn who also wanted to get baptized! Well.... Sunday morning rolls around and we called her and she said that she wouldn't be going to church anymore because her husband said that she couldn't get baptized. She was too passive to argue her case or to defend her desire to be a member. 

We were DEVASTATED! So sad. We were feeling kinda stressed because this woman was our only real investigator and now she was gone and we were scared and sad and didn't know what was going to happen. We haven't found anyone who is really ready to be baptized in a looooong time. So Sunday morning I was really heavy hearted. Then we went to church to welcome George's family.... and then only George showed up with his daughter! So then we were doubly bummed! So I was sitting in the back of the chapel trying not to cry, when I felt prompted to stop thinking and to just look up and watch. Sitting behind George was a recent convert who last week was really sad because she's never been married and never had children which makes her sad, and George's daughter was just giving her the biggest out-pouring of love I've ever seen. She was blowing her kisses and holding her hand and making this member giggle and smile SO big. Then I looked at the pulpit and started listening to the people bearing their testimonies, and every single one was amazing. The spirit touched me in that meeting and I felt so full of gratitude and love for the people in that room and for Thailand. I left the church that morning rejoicing.


News was at the MLC.
She made me miss Bangna so much!
We went home to go to personal study, and we got a call from Sis Roong (Top's mom), saying that this week she had saved a man's life at the hospital that she nurses at and that she was bringing him and his family to church! When we got to church the man plus his wife, daughter and grandaughter were all there. We were blown away! And then Jin our RC brought her friend, and a girl that Sis Stewart invited brought 3 friends, and a lady that I invited brought her friend, and another RC brought her daughter! We literally had a dozen investigators at church on Sunday. I've NEVER had that many investigators at church my whole mission. I just felt like crying! I could feel Heavenly Father's love and concern for us SO strongly. He is aware of us. He loves us. He has a plan. I know that our investigator who didn't get baptized isn't completely lost, we'll find her and help her come back. In the mean time, we will rejoice and praise our God for the miracles He is continually performing for us! I just feel shocked and amazed, and most importantly: completely grateful.

I hope you all have a great week!

Sis Zaugg

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