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Monday, July 22, 2013

Another week gone by....


Well! First off: starshine moonbeam is back from the dead!!!! Or, in other words, my bike is fixed. Did I already say that I named my bike starshine moonbeam? Anyway. It was actually a small miracle that it works, 'cause the part that the gear shifter thing attaches to was the thing that I needed, and when the bike guy called the parts people they only had ONE more part left!! Yuuuup! What a blessing. I'm way paranoid about it breaking again though, I think the bike is just cheap and poorly made. I have to be way careful not to bend it again!

Our house is infested with termites, so for the past few days some termite people have been showing up at our house and tearing the ceiling and molding off. It's pretty entertaining. Apparently they do gardens, too, 'cause we came home one day and all of the plants in our garden were gone.

This week we invited 3 of our investigators to be baptized, and all 3 accepted!! Yay!!! Ben I think actually accepted last week. She's doing AWESOME!!! She wants to go to church but is having a hard time going 'cause she has school until 1PM.... :( But she totally accepted the Sabbath Day and is going to stop working on Sundays and prepare food on Saturday to bring to school so she doesn't have to buy food on Sundays!! She's awesome. I know that if she keeps the Sabbath to the best of her abilities, the Lord will bless her even more and she will find a way to go to church. 

This is the kitty wad that we have to pass to get to the Land of Nephi.
I call it the kitty wad 'cause there always seems to be cats around it.
 I've always wanted to go inside, but wasn't sure if that was allowed.
 Last P-Day we asked if we could and they let us in!!!!
I drew and took pictures for a good hour and a half. :DD
The next dater is My Heart! We taught him about baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and he still knows that he can't feel the Holy Ghost if he works all day in a business with people drinking alcohol and smoking and gambling. We asked if he would be baptized, and he just sat there for a bit... thinking really hard! And then he looked at us and said: "Day. ...Day! DAY!!!" (Yes, yes, YES!!) When he was thinking he was trying to decide if he could really close the business in order to be baptized, 'cause he knows he has to change his life in order to be baptized and follow Christ!! SO AWESOME!! Too bad he has school until 1PM too. >:( 

The last is the girl we met at the Thai khanom activity who just reads the Book of Mormon like a boss! She's almost done with 2 Nephi already!!!! We've only taught her twice!! She wants to be baptized, but she ALSO has school on Sundays!!!!! GRRRR Thailand is way hard for church, 'cause it isn't a Christian country and so they literally have no concept of a weekend or setting aside a day of the week for rest. Wayyyyy annoying.

A Sister in my branch got her mission call!!!!! She's going to CANADA!!!!!! She went to school in America for a few years so she's wayyyyyyy good at English. She's amazing. She's taught with us a couple times before and she explains things WAY better than we do. She'll do great.

This week we discovered a park near Lek's house! It's so cool! Basically the paths are surrounded by water on each side and they're twisty and go over random tall hills and under bridges and there's big trees and a play structure- so awesome. Well, one day Sis Reedy and I were walking around, talking to random people, doin' what missionaries do when at one point Sis Reedy was like, "OH MY GOSH SIS THERE IS AN ALLIGATOR HERE." I was like, "WHAT?!" And whipped around. There wasn't an alligator, but there was a HUUUUUGE water monitor lizard!!! It was just tromping around this park! Turns out there's 5 or 6 of them that live there! ahahahha! They're a protected species or something... and they just hang out there! We asked someone of they were friendly, and he was like, "hahahhaha Nope."

We've had lots of fun at the park. We've fed catfish, played botchi ball with random dudes, watched some old guys play chess, play a Thai version of jump rope with some girls. Way fun! One time as we were leaving the park a crazy guy on a bike stopped next to us and was like, "I WANT A PRAKHAMPII (scriptures). I'M INTERESTED. We gave him a Book of Mormon and he was like, "Thanks! ......Bye!" And then took off. I hope he likes it!

No worries, just a giant wad
 in a neighborhood that an LA lives in.
We met another crazy lady near Ben's apartment. She speaks wayyyy good English, and keeps telling us she's a member. But every one says she's a compulsive liar, so we're not sure if we believe her... But there was one day that she came running up to us and she had a Liahona..... so now we're wayyyyyy confused! She harasses Ben and Brother Te who we take to go teach Ben. :S One time Ben left us at the spot we were teaching to go get Te and after a few minutes they came RUNNNNING in laughing hysterically!! I guess the lady was following Ben and when she found Te she just whispered "run" and they booked it away! hahahahah He felt SOOOO bad! And was pretty confused. haha Our district leader wants us to teach the lady.... 'cause I guess he taught and baptized a crazy lady once, and after she was baptized she turned normal??? My problem is that teaching crazy people is SCARY! You never know what they're gonna do! And she lives so close to us.... Errrhhhhhh Sketchy.

Yesterday was ridiculously hot. I do not even want to know how hot it was. All I know is that we ran out of water and we biked alllllllllllllll the way to Laksi and back TWICE. I about died. haha Today the weather is amazing! It's probably going to rain, but it's pretty cool! Yayyy. :)

Well, that's all I have for this week. Still doing great! Love Don Mueang! I don't want to leave. :(


Sister Zaugg

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