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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Two months!

Dogs sitting in front of 7/11
 BTW For Thailand being OBSESSED with 7/11,
the date 7/11 passed pretty quietly...
The thing about serving in Thailand is that you have to be keenly aware of how long you've been here, 'cause eeeeeveryone and their gramma asks you about it! When I'm out contacting I basically have the same conversation like, 20 times. It usually goes something like this:

Me: "Hey! How are?"

Random Person: "Good...?"

Me: "What are you doing/have you been selling well today/how long have you lived here?"

Random Person: "-Response- Phuud Thai Geng (You speak Thai well).

Me: "Thanks! It's a blessing from God!"

Random Person: "How long have you been here?"

Me: "2 months."

Random Person: "WHAT?????"

Yup. Every time. And it usually ends like this: 

Random Person: "Thug sadsanaa tham hay thug khon be khon dii. (Every religion teaches us to be good, AKA I'm not interested).

Me: "OK, Byyye!"

Yup. haha

We're in taxis a looooot.
Anyway, this week was wonderfulllllll! The District Presidency has started a huge campaign to get the members motivated to work better, the leaders to work better, and the missionaries to work better in order to get out of this slump we're in. 

To put it in the words of one of my Zone Leaders: "We're so ridiculously close to being a stake it's disgusting."

And it's TRUE!!! We need something like, 30 more active Melchizedek Priesthood holders in the District before it becomes a stake. SOOOO CLOSE. Every one is getting training, leaders are pushing for more unity in the branches (ie focusing on visiting/home teaching and ward activities), missionaries are putting more emphasis on LA families that have Melchizedek Priesthood holders, etc. Great things are about to happen in Zion's Fist, and I'm excited to be a part of the work here!

Sister Reedy and I have really seemed to come out of a really tough place and are just seeing tons of miracles! We had 92 people at church yesterday!!!! From an average of 60 the whole time we've been here!! We have 7 investigators and are seeing some progression in our LAs that we work with. It's so amazing seeing the changes people are making in their lives. :)

 Taking the youth dan jonesing!
Also, that's one of my zone leaders
taking a really huge awkward step.
On Saturday there was a big youth activity for those who are thinking of being missionaries. We took them Dan Jonesing and they were GREAT!!! Totally fearless. All I really had to do was start the conversation (because that's always the scariest/ most awkward part) and ask some questions to make their message a little more relevant to the person- they did the rest!! We gave away 4 Book of Mormons and got 5 numbers. Thailand has got some great youth, I'm excited for them to be missionaries!

This week I ate some gross things. haha

Thing 1) I've been getting pretty sick of eating the same 6 dishes over and over again, so one day we went to our usual place and I just looked at the menu on the wall and just picked something random: "Pad nay kay." It ended up being a squid/chicken liver stir fry that was suuuuuper spicy. Mmmmmmmmm. I ate as much as I could, but I had to buy some chocolate afterwards to make me feel better. LOL Not doing that again.

Thing 2) One day we were biking home from a new investigator's house in an area that we hadn't really explored yet. We passed this gui diaw (it's like fancy top ramen) place that had some nice looking people there. After a couple minutes Sis Reedy slammed on the brakes and was like, "WE GOTTA GO BACK!" So we went back and talked to them for a bit. Turns out they'd just opened their ran and the lady and son are from burma, but the dad is from Thailand... we're actually not sure if they're a family or not.... ANYWAY, they were tooootally not interested, so we left, but later Sis Reedy and I both talked about how when we talked to them we both felt strongly about them and that we needed to keep up with them. Sooooo, a few days later we were out visiting that investigator and were leaving to eat dinner. Sis Reedy was like, "Hey, let's eat at that gui diaw place." Well, turns out it's a FISH gui diaw place! I'm all for fish, but not when it comes from Bangkok. I've seen people fishing out of the khlong, and they do weird things with fish and I was nooooot happy about it. But Sis Reedy made us eat it so we could talk to the people there! Eughhhhh I really related to the quote: "What will you sacrifice to save the souls of others? What pains will you endure? What discomforts? Is their eternal salvation not more important than your temporal desires?" Yup. My temporal desires were not met that day. They were still not interested and actually pretty suspicious of us. I asked the guy why he decided to open the ran, and he was like, "What, are you gonna say that it was God that made me decide?" And I just laughed and was like, "Nooooo, I was just wondering!" hahahaha He was super confused. GOOD. We'll get them somehow.

 FOR THAILAND!! These two were so goooooood!
Hey, remember that picture I sent of the neighborhood built over the khlong? We have an LA that lives there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE WENT THERE!! It was so cool! I'm for sure taking video and pictures next time I go, because I need to remember it for the rest of my life. Looove it! Her husband isn't a member. He used to be a monk, but now he's up to learning the Gospel so we're gonna be teaching him and their granddaughter! Whoop whoop!

Loved this cute garden outside of someone's house!

The other day we were getting ready to go out contacting and it just started POURING. I just looked at Sister Reedy and said, "Well, this is how the Elders found Sister Bu! Let's go!" So we went out in the rain to the Land of Nephi. We took cover in this lady's house/ran. We talked about life, and rain, and a bit about missionary work. She was like, "Yeah! Come back and hang out!" And Sis Reedy was like, "Can we come back and teach you?" And then she was like, "Ohhh.. well... you know, I'm so busyyyy." We were just like. :I Haha but then when I was about to get up, Sis Reedy was like, "I'm gonna teach her about prayer." Oookay! I asked the lady, "Hey, have you ever wanted to talk to God?" And she was like, "Yeah!" So we taught her about prayer, and she was way interested and said she'd do it! Sis Reedy and I sang on the way home. :)

 One of the girls I took dan jonesing,
she helped us teach MyHeart! She is amazing.
She's just over a year old in the church!
 Also! My hair and a skirt that an LA gave
to me that every one loves.
MyHeart is doing GREAT! He just loves coming to the church, everyone is friendly to him, he feels good, turns out one of the members in our ward is his friend from when they went to the same Baptist church! Whhaaaat? Yesterday we taught about repentance. We found out that he doesn't drink even though he sells it at his snooker ran. We were all like... "Can you get baptized if you sell alcohol.....? We're not sure!" I told him to ask God, and he was like, "I know the answer. It's no." So we read 1 Nephi 3:7, which he related to way well. We asked if he thought God would provide a way to help him stop selling alcohol, and he said, "Yeah, He will!" So we committed him to doing it and he said he would! This guy is SO READY. Sis Reedy and I can just see him being a missionary. All the missionaries in our zone were at the church 'cause we were having zone training and he was just there playing frisbee with them having a grande 'ol time. I'm so excited for him. :DDD


Hmmmm... Well, my bike broke this week. :( I changed the gears and it just broke. I'm dropping off my bike at a bike shop today so hopefully that'll get worked out.....

Life is good in Don Mueang! As I get further into this transfer, the more I want to stay! This area is amazing. I want to stay here for a loooooong time! In the words of Sis Reedy: "Heaven on Earth in a weird way."

Love ya'll!

Sister Zaugg


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