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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hi everyone! Again!

This week FLEW BY!! Like, I almost feel like nothing even happened between last P-Day and today! ....But then I think about it... and A LOT HAPPENED.

OK So on Tuesday we were pretty much stuck at the church allllllllllllllllllllllllll day 'cause we had District Meeting at 1, English meeting at 5 and then English class at 6:30, and it's not like Sis Reedy and I can just go home and come back like all the other missionaries in our district 'cause Don Mueang is so far away from the church. Anyway. So in the time between District Meeting and English meeting, we were calling members and investigators to set up appointments for the week. We ran out of people to call, so we decided to call Udomdet again. Udomdet is that taxi driver who we met my veeeeeeeeeeeery first week in Thailand who gave us a free ride because he was so happy to hear our message. His phone has been off ever since then, but we've been calling him every day. :P Anyway, HE ANSWERED!!!!!!!!!!! We were so excited!!!!! Turns out he lives in the apartment complex that our investigator Ben lives, which is right next to where we live!!! Whaaaaat. Anyway. We set up an appointment to meet the next day. 

I was wayyyyy nervous, 'cause for the last 9 weeks I'd been building this guy up in my head. I was afraid that when we finally got to teach him he wouldn't be interested or as great as I thought, and I didn't know if I was prepared for him to reject us. :( Well, we finally got to sit down with him and he's still interested in learning! He's always had questions about who created the Earth and why are we all here. Just things he's just knew had answers ever since he was a kid. He wanted to read a Bible 'cause he knew it talked about the creation, so when he read the BoM he was disappointed that it didn't explain it right off the bat, so we had to show him where it does. He isn't what I expected, which threw me off a little, but he's searching for truth, which we have! And if he keeps searching, he'll find it.

OK But the craziness with Udom doesn't end there. He asked us why Christ died for him, so I asked him about how much he loves his kids, and that Christ's love for him is greater than that, and that's why he died for him. But when I asked if he had kids he was like, "Yeah, they know you."


Sis Reedy and I were like, "Uh..... we've never met your kids."

And he was like, "Yeah you do. My daughter says she meets with you."


We asked what her name was.





We met this guy randomly my first week and then he disappeared. Then Sis Reedy and Sis Steele met Ben randomly at a 7/11 on the big companion exchanges day and have been teaching her ever since then. THEY'RE FAMILY. Also- Ben has a brother who saw the BoM on her table once and started taking it to work to read. They take turns with it. Yesterday she said that they actually fought over whose turn it was to read. YEAH. THAT REALLY HAPPENED. We're trying to find a way to teach her brother... he's only free in the early morning. :/

Whoa. When I think about this family, and how God has prepared them.... I feel so... small. I also feel comforted by the idea that I know that I can't really mess this up for Ben's family. Obviously Heavenly Father has a plan for them. They're so ready for the Gospel. It's a miracle!!

Also- we got BALANCED KEY INDICATORS!!!! It was a miracle, really. We needed an extra investigator at church, and a guy form the other branch brought his friend who wants to change religions. So now she's our new investigator too!!! It was so great. :DDD

Things are so amazing here. Sis Reedy and I have seen so many miracles with the people we serve and with us. The Lord has really put us through the fire here in some occasions, but he's also brought us to the highest mountain tops and shown us great things. I can't believe there are only two weeks left of this transfer. :(

I don't have much time to talk this week 'cause we're going to Ayutthiya (I dunno how to spell it)- an ancient buddhist place... thing... I dunno. Every one raves about it. Our whole district is going! 

Love y'all!

Sis Zaugg

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