This week was wayyyy awesome! Finallyyyyyyyyyy. I was getting pretty worn out there.
A secret passage-way. :O |
Tuesday was Zone Conference! Which was AWESOME! I love Zone Conference, seriously. We spend our whole missions building up others' faith, it's nice to have a zone conference every now and again to help build ours! We had a competition which I'm going to try to explain:
Winning the Zone Conference competition. :D |
There are 5 planks that serve as stepping stones for one person who has walk across them to the finish line. But the planks have to be held above the ground. So the rest of the team holds the planks up and the person who crosses just grabs everyone else's heads and shoulders as he/she attempts to step across the planks without falling. The only problem is that we have to get from one end of the field to the other, so as soon as the person steps off your plank you have run around and put it in front of him/her so he/she can keep walking! I hope that makes sense. It was pretty intense and a little dangerous. Each plank said things like, "scripture study" "prayer" "keeping the commandments". If the person fell off they had to start at the beginning and do it again. My team crushed all the other teams and won 200 baht vouchers for Swenson's each!! Whoo hoo :D I'm not actually sure what it was supposed to help us understand.... something about how we need to do those things repeatedly and it's hard,and sometimes we fall and have to repent, but if we make it to the end it's way worth it (salvation/ice cream)!
Us on a way crowded song thew. |
On Wednesday we saw one of my investigators who I've been teaching since wayyyy long ago. We watched Finding Faith in Christ with her. We asked her if she believes that Christ lives and she was like, "I'm not sure yet...." But then she read us a conversation she had with a friend in America on her phone. He asked her why she wants to change religions and she basically just bore testimony to the fact that Heavenly Father and Jesus are there and help her and love her. Sis Downs and I were like, "Do you hear yourself?!?!?" We committed her to baptism for like, the millionth time and she said she's gonna do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH! I am soooooooooooooooooooooo happyyyyyyYyyYyyyy! She's cute, she only wants like, 5 people at her baptism. lol
As we were riding our bikes away from her house we tried to fist bump but then I almost crashed my bike. Not sure if we'll do that again.
On Friday we taught another one of our investigators who's been a Buddhist monk before. He said he's really beginning to believe Christianity is true! He also accepted a date for baptism!!!

Then we taught another investigator who we actually gave to the other sisters because she doesn't live in our area. :( It was a great lesson though! She liked the other lessons, says she knows the Book of Mormon is true and is gonna get baptized! I'm so sad we have to give her way because I love her soooo much!!! But the Sisters will take care of her. :)
Two of my FAVORITE sisters!!!!! Um Im and Pim |
Yesterday Sis Downs and I took two sisters from the branch to try drawing portraits in the park as a means of finding new investigators. I drew a lot of babies. haha We didn't get any new investigators, but we'll try again another day.
We're definitely working on finding new investigators since we're kind of low... but things are pretty good here in Don Muang! Transfers is is 2 weeks. o___o I just can't believe tomorrow is OCTOBER!!!!
Sis Zaugg