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Monday, September 23, 2013


Weeeellll hello er'rybody!

As usual, this week flew by. I actually had a dream last night that I had just finished my mission and had gone home and was WAY sad. It's just crazy that I'm a third through... because I feel like I have soooo much left to learn and don't know that a year is enough time to learn it all!! Yikes

Supposedly it's rainy season in Thailand? And there was a giant storm that came from China. Basically it's like way cold and rainy and flooded every day! The members hate it. haha It's been obnoxious 'cause my feet are just always wet! They never get a chance to dry off so I have old lady prune feet a lot. >_< We go out in the floods with our bikes.... then get to a dry place... then it rains (or a Thai person sprays our feet 'cause they're "dirty")... or I splash into a puddle.... I'm just wet. Allthetime. hahahah Some members call the floods the "Bangkok Sea" or the "Black Sea". 

Well, let's see..... This week we saw a lot of members. That's been our focus lately is visiting members and finding ways to serve! It's kinda hard to find ways to serve Thai people though 'cause they just refuse to let you help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But we've been praying really hard every day to find ways to serve and we've started finding ways! It's great. Prayer works. :,)

We helped one member (one of my FAVORITE members) do her visiting teaching this week. Phim is so amazing. She's hilarious, too. She didn't tell her mom she was getting baptized until she brought her to the service. hahahahaah Her and her friend Um Im are just so lovely. They help us teach a lot and are so solid! Even though their families don't support them being Christian, they fulfill their callings and are super strong in their testimonies! 

As for investigators... I almost don't wanna say anything 'cause I always seem to jinx myself. Haha That 9 year old girl who's afraid of baptism is still afraid. We're just taking our time with her. She knows it's all true and likes church.... so eventually she'll get it figured out. :) One of our investigators whom we've had for a long time went to church for the first time this week!!! Two sisters who we take to teach her took her to church and she really liked it. She was so excited and nervous before Sacrament Meeting it was so cute. :) She said she really liked it and wants to go again!! Yeahhhhh She's so close to getting a firm testimony. If she keeps searching she'll find it. :D

On Saturday we ended up helping the primary set up for a giant activity. It was way fun! We blew up these bizarrely shaped balloons for a wayyyyyyyyyyyyy long time. We were pretty tired by the end of it. But we ate lunch at a restaurant owned by an american afterwards so I was a happy camper. I miss white people food sometimes. 

Eeeyup! I feel like I don't have much to say these days. We're just working out of a rut and I've also been here for so long that I just don't have too much new to say. haha Thanks for the words of encouragement! It's rough sometimes, but I never get depressed. I'm happy, just sometimes way stressed. @_@ I'm just learning a lot about faith and trust right now. It's good for me. :)

Love youuuuuu!

Sister Zaugg

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