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Monday, September 9, 2013


Well, in terms of numbers, this was the worst week I've ever had. I'm not sure how it happened, but we just kinda of got deeper in the rut that we were in last week. 

We found out one of the LA's we visit has been living with a married man this whole time, 3 other less active members who were so sure the were gonna go to church didn't, and we still don't have any investigators that want to be baptized. The closest we have is a member's niece who is 9 years old. She's afraid of baptism, though, because when we were explaining it to her, the aunt was like, "It's a symbol of DEATH." And she's been terrified ever since, even though she's been to one already... >_> Ohhh members. haha

However, yesterday was District Conference (like stake conference). A member of the 70 from China came! Elder Wuu? He was an interesting character! He was a little too impatient to wait for the translators and it was hard for the Thai people to understand because he kept cutting the translator off. hahah But he had some really great things to say! He talked about how he noticed that at the Saturday conference hardly anyone came because it had rained, and how that we should always do whatever it takes to serve the Lord, even if it means going out in the rain if you're a Thai person. :P lol! He talked about being a good example and being the light that will change the lives of your family and friends. It was great!

At the leadership training he talked about having the missionaries and the ward leaders work in more unity, too. He also mentioned how missionaries should find investigators through less active members. When he said that the Spirit whispered to me that my companionship needs to do that. So we made a goal to start finding as we teach our less active friends. :) 

I don't have too much to say this week just because nothing has really happened! I do have an experience to share about obedience and following the promptings of the Spirit:

On Sunday the district conference started at 10, an hour later than our usual services. So after we got ready in the morning, we still had about 30-40 minutes before we needed to get a taxi. We kind of just started to read the scriptures when I remembered President Senior saying that he didn't want missionaries who didn't have church in the morning to study until it was time to go, because Sunday is a good day to find people. But then I tried to shoo the thought away by thinking, "Well, we don't have that much time before we need to go... and we can't really do too much work in just 30 minutes, plus I don't want to be late if something happens!" But as I continued to try to read the Book of Mormon I kept thinking about President Senior and I knew we had to go. So we went out and walked to an apartment complex close by. We walked around several buildings but every one was either hurrying to go to school or work or prepping to sell for the day. Every one was too busy to talk! Eventually it got close to be time to find a taxi, so we started to exit the apartment complex to find a taxi on the main street. We passed a lady selling pre-cooked meals when I felt that we should start a conversation, so I went back and asked her if any taxis would be coming by soon. She tried to direct us to the main street, but in my head I was just like, "Noooo!!! I know already! I just want to talk to you!" As I was trying to ask her another question a lady on a pink moped pulled up. Somehow, I dunno how, we ended up having a long conversation with her. She was pretty interested in having us go to her house and teach her!!! Just as we finished getting her name and number, and realizing that we needed to get a  taxi now or be late, a taxi pulled around the apartment building next to us. The lady selling the food was like, "Hey! That's crazy that there's one here!" I'm grateful that I was obedient and was able to do the Lord's will!

Well, I'm choosing faith and believing that things will get better. I'm not perfect, and the Lord knows I'm not perfect, but I'm sure trying hard to give him my weaknesses, and I know he'll turn them into strengths. (Ether 12:6) 

Love ya all!

Sister Zaugg

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