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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Hey people who I love!

Waiting for members to come visit a less active
member with us. It was SOOO HOOOOT
Wow this week has been a roller coaster. Basically we just kind of watched everything fall apart on us. Our investigator who was set to be baptized this week kind of dumped us. :,( A lot of potentials turned out not to be interested, and almost every appointment fell through every. single. day. We visited a looooot of less active members this week. haha

Howeverrrrrr, some way good things happened too! On Saturday Sis Downs and I started our fast to find an investigator that would be ready to be baptized in September. Well, as I said, every appointment on Saturday evening fell through! So we had some (and really I mean a lot of) time to go contacting. As we were praying to know where to go, I kept getting an image in my mind of this one place that Sis Reedy and I had been to once or twice, but I could NOT remember where it was for the life of me!! But I felt like that was where Heavenly Father wanted us to go, so as we got on our bikes I prayed that he would guide us there. Well.... it sufficeth me to say that we biked for a while. We did a lot of U-Turns, going down random streets, stopping, turning around- you get the picture. At one point we found a petting zoo. That was pretty cool. Well, after a while the sun was starting to set, but I just KNEW that we had to find that street!!! Eventually we got stuck behind a garbage truck... but just beyond it I saw a street that looked familiar.... and it was it!!!!!!!!!!!! I found it!!! For being completely destitute of any sense of direction, I was able to find it!!!!!!! It was a miracle. Really. So now it's almost dark, but it gets dark at like, 6:30, so we still had time to talk to people. We parked our bikes and started walking! The first little street we went down had some dogs at the end... and they started growling at us so we just turned right around and looked for another street. When we exited that street there was an old lady watching us... probably wondering what the heck we were doing no doubt, but I just smiled at her and kept walking. But then she started following us and talking to us! Turns out she and her son and daughter-in-law are all Christian! She wanted to know if we were from the big Christian mission home that's right down the street from where she lives. We said "no", and she invited us in. We taught her the Restoration and the Book of Mormon.

We pass this school that has really
 funny Engrish Disney murals. Also,
 you can see my dorky fanny pack bag. B)
You know, she really didn't understand it. LOL Most people in Thailand who convert from Buddhism to Christianity just don't get the whole "one Christ, one doctrine" thing. But she was way happy to hear us talk about it and accepted a Book of Mormon and said she wants us to come back and meet her son and his wife! To be honest... I'm way nervous. She says that she's worked with those other missionaries before, and her son is training to be a preacher. I'm a little scared of what they'll tell her when they show them the Book of Mormon. Buuuut..... we obviously had to meet this woman. I felt so strongly that we needed to go there, and we found it even though I couldn't remember where it was, and the first lady we talked to was her!! Soooo. I dunno. Maybe somewhere down the road she'll understand the Restoration. :)

Yesterday we taught a student from English class. He used to come to my class, but his English is too good so we sent him to intermediate. There was a month or so that he stopped coming, though. He came back, though, with no hair or eyebrows. He'd done that Buddhist thing where you go and be a monk for a while to get karma points for your parents or something. Anyway, one of the Zone Leaders asked if he wanted to learn about Christianity and he was like, "Yeah." But turns out he actually doesn't live in our area or something? Basically Elder Appleyard didn't ask for his number or anything! So a couple weeks ago I felt impressed to ask this kid again if he wanted to learn and he still wanted to! Basically our leaders just told us to teach him anyway and see what happens. So we taught him at the church, and it was awesome!!! He wants to know how he can have peace in his life and we sure testified that the Savior is the only way to have peace. We're meeting again on Thursday! Whoo hoo :)

This is a member who just returned to activity
 in the other branch. One time on switch offs
 Sis Sahagun and I went to an orphanage with
 her to visit her baby. She is SO funny. Love her!
Also, Foam hasn't been able to meet with us for the last 2 weeks 'cause she had a giant English test last Friday that she was prepping for. BUT She said that she prayed every day and read the Book of Mormon before she read her test books. YEAH!!! I called her yesterday and asked how she did on the test. She laughed and said, "I creamed it." Yup. If you keep the commandments you get blessings!

There's also a less active member who is really ready to go back to church. We brought some members to go visit her yesterday and she LOVED it! I think she's so ready to be active again and get blessings for her and her son. :DDDD And today we might get a priesthood holder who hasn't been active in years to go to Family Home Evening at the branch president's house tonight!!! 

District party at Swenson's!!
(Missionaries' most FAVORITE place
in Thailand... after church.)
So things have been rough, but at the same time... maybe Heavenly Father just needed me to do those hard things for Him. I can deal with that. I can also see that he's blessing us here a little and there a little. This week at Sacrament Meeting there were 97 people. 

The Lord loves Thailand! Good things are happening. Maybe on the outside it doesn't look like a lot is happening, but I know I'm doing the Lord's work, so I must be doing SOME good. 

Love y'all! As the seasons change and it starts to get cool, think of Sister Zaugg laboring in the never-changing hot climate of Thailand. haha I miss being cold. So bad.

Sis Zaugg

We've also met a lot of new people and I'm feeling pretty pumped for this week!!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing an amazing job. I so remember the times on my mission when we would have a full week scheduled (or so it appeared) only to have everything/everyone fall through. It always felt like we were doing something wrong. And maybe we were. But if you keep the mission rules and do all the things you are supposed to - you will find those in your area ready to hear the gospel. Sometimes it comes down to one day at a time when you are feeling discouraged.
    It's exciting to hear about the less active members and their possible return to activity. Your branch will be happy to have more helping hands I think. :)
    We love you and keep you in our prayers!
    Aunt Candace and the Zaugg clan. :)
