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Monday, June 30, 2014

Transfers again lawwwww

"Law" in Thai means, "really?" And Thai people say it a lot, but we've been using it excessively lately, because Sis Adams and Tilley have a recent convert who inappropriately adds "law?" at the end of every statement. It's really confusing. "what time is it law?" "Yeah, I think my sister would like to come to church law?" hahahahha 

Tilley's last meal in Udorn
Anyway, so transfers came and went..... and I'm still here! With Sis Stewart! Yup! Nothing really changed except Tilley moved to Asoke (lucky dog) and Sis Muller took her place. We also got 3 new Elders. I'm excited to see how this transfer goes! I'm hoping that it's like last transfer where at first we started with almost nothing and the work quickly picked up... because right now things are very sloooooow. Ever since Stewart got sick a few weeks ago the work has gone at a snail's pace. It's pretty annoying, actually, but we've decided to use all of our missionary knowledge that we've gained over the last year and a half or so to NOT get frustrated and beat ourselves up over it. :) We've learned way too much to slip back into that nasty old habit. 

Just keep swimming... just keep swimming....

Getting our feet massaged!
But that doesn't mean we still don't see miracles on a daily basis! Yesterday after dinner we decided to take our new elders out to nongprajak to go contacting. As soon as we were on our bikes, BIG BLACK clouds rolled over and it started sprinkling. We all looked at each other and decided, "YOLO!" And headed over to nongprajak anyways. Well, when we got there there was hardly anyone at the park (no surprise), and after the other sisters locked their bikes together, they realized that they'd left their bike lock key at the house. So Stew and I had to get back on our bikes and get the keys from the house. With faith like that of Ammon's she said, "Don't worry, we'll find our next baptism on the way there!" Well, we didn't find anyone on the way there, but on the way BACK I yelled at an older guy on the street through the rain: "YOU WANNA GO TO CHURCH?!" and through the rain I thought I saw him nod so we stopped and it turns out that he really wants to go to church! So we got his number and thanked God. We're meeting with him tonight!

So that's about all I have for this week. On Tuesday a member took us to her rice fields and we planted rice! It was overcast and sprinkly so it was very pleasant. I was afraid of leeches, but the worst of it was only spiders. It was fun squishing around in the soft mud and shoving shoots of rice into it. We were sooo slow compared to the members who've done it their entire lives. Plus, we got tired really fast. They could have done it all day! After one field my back and hamstrings were KILLING me. I'm still not completely recovered. haha!

Us taking a picture of them taking a picture of us.
These kids are members and are soooooo funny!

Have a fabulous week!

Sis Zaugg

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