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Monday, August 4, 2014

Watch This Video...

First off, every one go watch this video! All of us Udorn sisters are obsessed with it.

Anyway, this week was another MLC week. Stewart stayed in Udorn to get as much time in the area as she could and I took Muller with me down to Bangkok. We took the train down. That was the second time I've taken the train, and I think I prefer the bus.

 Bro Sii Thai!
Since it was Stewart's last week in Udorn, we just spent a lot of time working on the area book, visiting recent converts, inviting to try and find new investigators, and teaching the one investigator we have, Sii Thai. I mentioned him last week. He's the one who giggles a lot.

 Invite ALL the bikers!

He really was a miracle! We've met with him EVERY day since the day Stewart found him, and from day one he was so willing to learn, keep the commandments and grow closer to Christ. Brother Sii Thai actually reminds me SO much of Grandpa Wright. Only he's more out-going and giggly. :)

Anyway, Bro Sii Thai's parents were refugees from Vietnam, and his mom taught him about Jesus his whole life, but he never knew how he was supposed to be a disciple of Christ, so he was really happy to learn with us! He truly is amazing. He has so much faith.

We were so excited for him to get baptized on Sunday, but his baptism gave me SO much anxiety! This is why:

We realized last minute that we hadn't asked anyone to baptize Sii Thai and the other sisters' investigator, so we ended up asking a sweet younger brother who was recently ordained to the aaronic priesthood a few months ago to baptize them. He was so sweet to accept the request! But he was soooooooooo nervous. He just paced up and down the halls trying to memorize the baptismal prayer, and during the baptismal service he just sat up in the front looking so faint and scared out of his pants. But we had faith in him! We knew he could do it.

So he gets in the water with Sii Thai, and fumbles over the prayer several times. Finally he gets it right, and goes to put Sii Thai in the water.

.....It was the most painful thing in the world to watch.


 I love these people so much.
They are the most christ-like and loving people I know.
Like, literally it looked like slow motion. Poor Sii Thai didn't know what to do so he kind of just did a trust fall into this brother's arms, but because the brother was putting him in so timidly he just kind of floated in the font on his back with his eyes closed, and all the brother could do was try to push him in, but Sii Thai was too floaty.

So the second goes pretty much the same as the first, except Sii Thai's face got submerged, but the rest of him wasn't, so the brother kept him in the water while he tried to shove the rest of him in, and the rest of us were like, "PULL HIM OUT HE'S GONNA DROWN"

So now that poor brother was just stressing his brains out! The poor guy. He had to say the baptismal prayer like, 6 times because he kept messing it up. BUT he got sii thai all the way immersed and it was over.

I literally died. I felt bad for Sii Thai for a little bit, but then I knew he was alright, because I could hear him giggling in the changing room, but I felt so bad for the brother because he still had to baptize a whole other person!!! Biw, the other investigator had to do it twice, but then it was done and we all gave a sigh of relief.

Oh it was so bad. But also, it was really hilarious. During the intermission hymns I was trying to calm down, but then Sister Adams leaned over and muttered, "I just lost our investigators. They thought that was so scary." and I made eye contact and we just started to giggle really hard. And then Sii Thai came back into the room all dried up with the BIGGEST goofy smile on his face, sat down, looked at us and then started to BUST out laughing. He threw his hand out with three fingers up: "THREE TIMES!!!!!" and we just lost it. We all just laaaauuuuuuuughed and laughed. I'm glad Sii Thai thought it was funny, because that could have been bad. Sister Adams' investigators, however, were probably scarred for life.

 Traditional dying meal at the Browns'!
Tacos! Yummmmmmmmmmmm

So Stewart is the only one leaving the area! The rest of us are staying.

Have a great week!

Sister Zaugg

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