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Monday, August 11, 2014

See Ya Stew

Can you see how packed buses in Bangkok get?
Man, I miss that place!
Well, I had to say goodbye to Stew. :,( That was really sad, and actually kind of hard, because we had to go down to Bangkok on Tuesday, even though her plane didn't leave 'til Friday, because she had to do all the dying missioanry business stuff. So that was pretty hard, trying not to be affected by it all. Two more weeks! I gotta stay strong guys! Pray that I won't get trunky! So far so good. :)

Dinner with members in Bangkhen!
 All of those guys are melchizedek
priesthood holders now!
I think the best part of being in Bangkok was that we got to go to Stew's old area, where my very first convert lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We went out for dinner with a bunch of members and it was so much fun getting to see him. I met him a year ago, and now he's a Melchizedek priesthood holder, the president of the young mens' organization AND is prepping to serve a mission. He made me want to cry, it was so good to see him! Shout out to Bro Bao! It was an experience that really validated my work as a missionary. For everything hard and sad that has happened to me here, it was all worth it to meet and see people get baptized like Bro Bao.

Bro Bao!
Old friends from Saphaansung
Missionaries' second to last night in Bangkok
often go to the tallest tower in Thailand and
eat at the buffet on the top floor. The
food was actually second-class, but the the view
was priceless. Pictures don't do it justice
(especially on my dying camera).

Sis Packard and Sis Embley praying at their
 apartment in Pakkret the night before transfers.

This group of sisters changed the Thailand Bangkok
Mission forever! They changed the image of sisters
and their role in the Lord's work in Thailand. They
were my phiis and dear friends. They led us all by
example and saw soooo many miracles. The mission
won't be the same without them!
I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 My peeps! Full circle.
At transfers meeting my whole MTC group was there! We got a picture. I love them all so much! Elder Wahl is training Bro Boss from saphaansung! That made me incredibly happy. Bro (well, I guess now he's Elder Boss now) said that he loves Elder Wahl and considers himself lucky to have such a good trainer.

The craziest part about transfers was finding out who my new companion is...... or should I say companionS! I'm With Sister Speas and get this........ SISTER HUGHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My dying wish has come true! I'm so shocked that it actually happened! We jokingly would request to be put together my last transfer, but President always flat out said "no". But.... I guess Heavenly Father said, "Yes"! :)))))))))))))))))))) I'm so happpppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

We were inviting at walking street and
I looked over and Sis Hughes had a
monkey in her arms!
Then it started to flop around.
Then I decided that I wanted to hold it.
And it decided to grab my neck fat. Ouch!
Took this taxi for an hour to the bus station.
Also, not pictured: two bikes strapped to the back.
We had to send all our stuff up on a seperate bus
because there was so much of it. We went to go
pick it up, and I had the special opportunity to
sit next to this little guy.
On Wednesday we we went to the King's Palace.
It was soooo pretty!

 Pres and Sis Senior came up for zone training today!
Little did they know that we all happened
to coordinate outfits!

So uhhhh... yeah! We had a few investigators at church this Sunday. We're really hoping that ne of them, Sister B gets baptized next Sunday. It's my last chance for one more baptism! I realllyyyy want to help one more person be baptized!

Talk to you next week!

Sis Zaugg

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