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Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Last Email

So this is awkward.

 Happy Thai mothers' day!
Here I am, with 5 days left in Thailand and I'm still derping along thinking that I'll be here forever! It just doesn't feel real! I'm never going home guys! I've only ever been a missionary, and it's all I'll ever do!

Well, at least, that's how it feels.

This week I learned a lot about "Team God".

My last baptisms! GO TEAM GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the focus of this transfer has been mission unity. So many times I slip up and think, "my investigator" or "my baptism", when really they're not mine at all! They're the Lord's! This is His work, and it's His harvest. I'm along for the ride, and every baptism and person brought to Christ, whether I taught/found them or not is a point for "Team God". Any other missionary's success in helping others make the covenant of baptism is my success as well..... because well, we're all on the same team! I had always hoped that I would have one final baptism on my last Sunday, but, in the end, it didn't work out that way. But that's ok, because there were 4 baptisms in my district, and they were all for my team, and I was so happy to see them all be baptized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TEAM GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Visiting RC's in Nong khai!
So this week was mothers' day! The traffic was horrible, and we went to nong khai to find some of my recent converts there who have gone less active. The zone leaders gave me permission to teach them one last time before I go home. I was only able to find one of them, which was.... Tii. LOVE that kid! Love him like my own brother. As we were leaving to go back to Udorn, he leaned over and mumbled something to Elder Arne, who then said, "Sis Zaugg, come back and listen to this. Tii's been memorizing scriptures in English. Tell her the scripture that you just told me." So Tii clears his throat and says with the straightest face: "I, Jacob, saw that I must soon go down to my grave." Jacob 7:27

The nong khai elders' bikes.
LOL Elder Arne slapped him and said, "NOT THAT ONE. THE ONE YOU JUST TOLD ME. Sorry. He loves Jacob."

hahahahhahahahhahah I love that kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So then he cleared his throat again and said: "And moreover, I say unto you, that there shall be no other name given nor any other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent." Mosiah 3:17

I wanted to cry it was so good! He is going to be such a good missionary someday. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I had to meet him and teach him!!!!!!!!

What else happened this week......

This is the guard from our neighborhood.
A previous elder gave him his BYU shirt.
Notice all the buddhist idols hanging around
his neck.
We went inviting at walking street, and I heard a barfing sound, looked down, and sure enough this little kid was vomiting RIGHT next to my feet and it splashed on me. :( i was able to wash it off, but for the rest of the night, me sis speas and hughes would just watch, horrified as people stepped through the vomit and spread it around. It was a lot like the scene in Monster's Inc. when Sully thinks that Boo is getting put through the garbage dispense and he makes all those funny faces.

We call this place the "banana lady".
She sells lots of bananas.
Sis Hughes bought a new shirt!
Let's all take a moment to appreciate
Thai fashion. That same night we saw a woman
wearing a full body jumper decorated with cats
wearing crowns.

Beyond that, not much else happened. We've picked up a couple of new investigators that are very promising and super excited about!

 I will never stop loving the people.
Well, I guess this is the last time that you guys will hear from me in Thailand! My mission has meant the WORLD to me, and has changed me in so many ways it's amazing. I've come to know God better, and developed a deeper understanding and appreciation for the Savior and His Atonement. I've learned how to smile through the hardest of times and witnessed some of the greatest miracles. Miracles that will stay with me forever and have proven to me that this work is true. The Savior lives. His Gospel has been restored. People can change. I love Thailand! I love the people. They have taught me so much and I will never EVER forget them. I will be praying for this place for the rest of my life. I'm so grateful that I was called to the Thailand Bangkok Mission! TBM The Best Mission! That isn't an understatement. It really is the best.

Goodbye Udon!
GOODBYE THAILAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you ALL! I'll update next week, I promise!

Sis Zaugg

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