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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Birthday tooooo................. ME!

Chillin' at Jin's house.
Happy Birthday tooooo................. ME! I'm actually quite shocked at how fast this last year has gone. I can remember my last birthday quite vividly.... and now I've gone and done it again! 21 years old. Hm. Dunno how I feel about that. 

Here's a fun fact: I'm not sure if I ever said "I am 20 years old" in English.

Me and my memberssss!
Anyway. This years' b-day was a blast! In the morning the sisters in my house bombarded me with silly spray while I was still undressed, and gave me some sandals and a mini-jade elephant pendant that I've been drooling over and have thought I would never be able to find again. We taught some recent converts and invited and ate Japanese food for dinner with the whole district and some members! Then to top it all off we ate a pazookie (pizza cookie?) at the Browns' and the same members from dinner suddenly showed up and surprised me with a cupcake and a beautiful Thai rendition of "Happy Birthday".

We went to the District President's house for lunch
and he made us these way fancy non-alcoholic
beverages. hahah! Before he was a member he was
studying food sciences...? Or something like that.
But basically he knows how to make any alcoholic
beverage under the moon. hahahahaha
It was all so nice and I felt very loved! I'm so grateful for the missionaries in my district, especially the sisters, and also for all my friends, the members!!!! I love Udorn so much. The members are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!

President Sua (tiger) looking suave.
He has got to be one of my favorite people
that I've met here in Thailand.
He is soooo funny, sooooo nice, and a rock in the church.
Whenever we accuse him of something
he says, "What! I'm chinese!"

Cleaning the baptismal font!
It gets sooo gross. Not really sure how.
Must be all the sin wishing off. ;)
This week we still didn't really get much done... Sis Stewart can't seem to get better. :( So we did a lot of recent convert and less active work. And it really payed off in the end, because this Sunday we had every single one of our recent converts at church (one of which passed the sacrament for the first time), PLUS two members who we haven't seen at church all this transfer who we taugh this week CAME!!!!!!!!!! It was a miracle!

Elder Tanawat, my district leader
looking good!

PLUS, sister long got baptized! She was so cute and teeny tiny in her baptismal dress! Four people got baptized and she was the last, which meant she was the last to share her testimony at the end. She stood up and said: "Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen." hahahahahahhahahahah! She's so stinkin' cute.

So you know, it was a pretty good week. This next week is the last of the transfer. WHOA.

 Are you sick of cloud pictures yet?

Have a great week! Love you!

Sis Zaugg

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