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Monday, June 9, 2014

Sicker than a dog

Wednesday morning my companion and I both woke up feeling a little under the weather. As the day wore on I got better but she got worse. And she just kept getting worse and worse until we were spending the entire weekend at home. She literally slept for 16 hours one day. hahahaha Sooooooo we did not get a lot done this week.

On Friday we were feeling pretty bummed, because after a slow week last week we were wondering how we were ever gonna find new investigators. Of course we forgot that with the Lord ALL things are possible, and we got a call from the Relief Society President saying: "Hey sisters, my son who has been to church a couple times told me today that he wants to be baptized this Sunday. Can you come teach him today?" uh WHAT?????????? hahahahahahahahha Guys. God is good. Sister Stewart was too sick to get out of bed, so we arranged for Sis Brown to come stay at our house while I taught the brother at the Browns' house. I literally taught him all of the lessons in an hour and a half and he was SO prepared! His mom was thrilled. They're already making plans to go to the temple. :,)

Cool story about his mom: her name is Roong and is Sis Reedy's FIRST CONVERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we baptized her son. Gyahhhhhhhhhhhhh My mission has come full circle.

So we taught Top (the son) and one other investigator this week. The other investigator is another referral from a member. Her name is Long. Long comes with her neighbor and her neighbor's husband who is the elders' investigator. They're the smallest old people I've ever met. They live WAY out in the boonies in little shacks and are so humble and kind. They're so poor, but a neighbor who owns a tuk tuk takes pity on them and takes them to church for a low price. They're really old and only speak in Isaan, which is more Laotian than Thai. So we have to bring a member who speaks Isaan to help interpret. Originally Long was going to be baptized on Sunday, but we felt like she needed to understand more about Christ and the covenant of baptism. She has a strong desire to be baptized, but she doesn't really know why... hahaha So we'll teach her some more this week, then she'll be baptized next Sunday!

 In the corner is one of the giant rain pots.
There's no running water in their little community. They used to have to carry in water or collect rain water in MASSIVE pots (taller than Dad), but Elder Brown has a colleague who donated money to install a well on their property, and they were just putting the finishing touches on it last week. The whole neighborhood gathered round and were SO excited! The sister from church was holding the hose and spraying it all over the place with the biggest smile on her face. Another woman said: "It just makes you want to take a cold shower!" I'm so happy that they finally have water. :)))))))
The well.
This man was sitting watching them turn on
the well with the BIGGEST smile on his face. :)

So even though we haven't been able to do much, the Lord sure has been working hard here in Udorn for our sakes! It really goes to show that this is HIS work. Not ours!

Yesterday was Zone Conference, hence the reason why P-Day is on Tuesday this week. It was sooooo goooooooood. But the sad thing about it was that it's my last zone conference ever, which means they made me get up with all the other dying missionaries and bear my testimony. That was surreal. 

Rrrrrrrghhhh.... I'm not dead yet! 

Getting my palm read.
He said some bad things about the other sisters,
but I only got good things!
During Zone Conference an Elder was giving a talk about man's potential to become like God, using the example, 'a chick becomes a chicken, a duckling becomes a duck, so of course a child of God is heir to all that God has". But I thought I heard him say, "a duckthing becomes a duck" and I almost wet myself laughing.

Remember that you are a duckthing with great potential to become a duck! God loves you and so do I. Have a great week!

Sis Zaugg

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